Chapter Four

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The next week Ladybug and Chat Noir were fighting the Hawkmoth's latest Akumatized villain; they still had not discussed Hawkmoth's identity; but other than that they were kicking butt. Just before they got hold of the akuma, the villain made their last-ditch final effort at getting their miraculous's, by hitting Chat Noir.

"Chat Noir! No!" Ladybug reacted by breaking the villains' staff and cleansing the akuma.

"Miraculous Ladybug!"

"No!" The villain cried just before the effects of the akuma wore off. Then, "What am I doing here?"

The iconic duo did their regular pound-it but Chat Noir was still holding his side. "Chat Noir, are you okay???"

"Oh, yeah. I'll be okay." He said with a pained look on his face. "See you on Patrol M'lady."

Ladybug watched in shock as he leapt away across the roofs of Paris. He did not look okay to her! She knew she had to make sure he was alright – just to check up on him. Using her yoyo, she threw it and swung across the roof-tops following a way behind him.

He was moving towards the direction of the Eiffel Tower. Just before he got there though, Ladybug saw him dip down bellow the houses into the streets of Paris – into an alleyway she thought. She tried following him exactly where she thought he went but he was nowhere to be found. Instead in his place – shockingly – was Adrien Agreste! He suspiciously looked hurt in the same spot that Chat Noir was, but he was alone and hurt. Chat Noir, wherever he was, could wait.

Right now, Adrien needed her help. Help, that she was going to give to him.

She swung down into the alleyway and landed in a seamless roll, moving to a standing position right before him. "Adrien? Are you okay?"

The clouds above them rumbled and it threatened to rain. Ladybug looked up and knew she had to get them out of there before he caught a cold too.

Adrien, slightly delirious at this point, responded before looking. "Marinette?"

He looked up to see Ladybug with wide eyes and a cautious smile. "No...? It's Ladybug."

He smiled up at her, confused. "Ladybug, what are you doing here?"

"I- was checking through Paris after Chat Noir and I defeated an akuma Villain and saw you, sitting here, hurt and delirious. I couldn't just leave you sitting here."

"Oh, I'm fine. Thank-you for checking on me though."

She looked at him through Narrow eyes. "You don't look okay to me!"

"I- I feel fine. Just a little sore from fencing practice, that's all. It'll heal."

"I'm not leaving you alone here by yourself. You're coming with me." Ladybug said decidedly, before scooping him up. She swung all the way to Adrien's home, deeming it okay since she had visited as Ladybug once before. She swung in his window and laid him down on his bed.


"Now where do you keep your washcloths? Your forehead is heating up." She said after feeling his forehead.

"In the draw over there." He croaked. "Ladybug-

She walked over to the draw accidentally opening the wrong one and quickly slamming it shut. She didn't need to see his undergarments! She shook her head, opening the right one this time, grabbed a cloth, and after wetting it, placed it on his forehead.



"Thank-you." He said smiling he grabbed her hand gently, pulling her close.

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