Chapter Twenty

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The next day Ladybug was swinging around Paris with her yoyo. It was her turn to be on patrol and she was trying her very hardest to focus. But it was impossible not to think about what had happened yesterday. So, when she nearly crashed into Chat Noir it took her entirely by surprise.


He looked concerned at her and made sure to catch her in his strong arms. "Are you okay M'lady?"

"Just lost in thought Mon Chaton." She said instinctively using her pet-name for him. "What are you doing here? I thought it was your day off!"

He smiled through his concern. "I just had to see you."

Ladybug ignored the pang of longing which had come over her. "Oh! Why?"

He sighed. "It just doesn't make any sense. I only showed you my identity and I know you would never tell anyone, that just isn't Ladybug. So how does Marinette know???"

Ladybugs eyes widened.

"I mean you just wouldn't do that, right? Or did you tell Marinette???"

Ladybug shook her head. "I would never! You know that Chat."

"It's just that something doesn't seem right about all that. I asked Marinette myself and she dodged the question. I didn't notice until after she was already gone but by then it was too late. Then when I tried to go ask her later that day, she wasn't home."

"You went to visit m- Marinette?" Ladybug asked.

"Yeah, last night! And I know you are probably very busy but I tried calling you the other day through my baton phone and you didn't pick up. Guess who was busy at the same time???"

Ladybug gasped and covered her mouth with both hands. Crap, had he really figured it out???

"Now, I didn't want to believe it but as I wasn't able to ask Marinette myself, and I don't have any other theories left we either have a spy in our midst or..." He trailed off letting the unspoken question hang between the two of them.

Ladybug slowly lowered her hands. "I-I really don't know what to say Chat, I swear there is a logical explanation to all of this I'm just not sure you're going to like it."

He crossed his arms. "Try me."


She sighed. "I can't! Are you sure this is wise? What if someone overhears? I heard you and Marinette broke up. It was on the news. How did people find out about that, huh?"

He let out a groan of frustration. "Not you too! You know who I am, I think it's only fair that I know who you are too. We could have each others backs. Are you going to start avoiding me too???"

Ladybug spotted the small purple butterfly floating towards her partner and froze. "Chat... I care about you; you know that right? You know that I'm still going to be there?"

Chat looked up and saw her facial expression. "What? What is it?"

"I- I just want to remind you that I care about you and that I'm still going to be there, that's all." Ladybug said, all the while being unable to stop looking at the akuma, flashbacks from when Chat had transformed into Chat Blank and the whole world had nearly ended. Her body began to shake.

"How am I supposed to believe that when the people I care about most are avoiding me, and when I try and get answers to things that don't make sense, people are unable to tell me anything?!"

Ladybug burst into tears and lunged at her partner, embracing him in a bearhug. "Because I'm Marinette, okay?! Does that answer your question???" She tried speaking the words through her tears.

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