Chapter Twenty-Five

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Marinette stood up from where she sat on the bed and quickly headed for the door. Adrien stopped her before she could open it. "Where are you going?"

He stood before her, holding her hand with a playful expression on his face.

"Well, someone has got to fill them in with what has been going on around here. And they've got to do it quickly. And the last time I checked, that someone is either you or I." She reminded him.

"And I know that, of course M'Lady but don't you think we should take them too somewhere more... elevated?" He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

She starred at him for only a moment with a puzzled expression on her face. "You want to take them to the Eiffel Tower?"

"Why not? It's not like we run the risk of getting interrupted at the very top of the biggest monument in Paris." Adrien pointed out.

She thought about this suggestion, considering the possibilities. "That is a very good point. But we have to go get the miraculouses first."

"Won't that look very suspicious to, you know..." He gestured with his head to Alya and Nino who were in the other room.

"If we are about to reveal our identities anyways, what difference does it make???" Marinette let out a sigh of frustration.

"That doesn't sound very much like you, M'Lady."

"Why are you talking to me like when I'm not transformed? Are you trying to get us caught?" Marinette gave him a pointed look.

"No, of course not." Adrien sighed. "Look, I'm just trying to lighten the mood, okay? It's a lot to deal with and I need to know that I can be myself with at least one person in this world. Because if they don't take this well... I don't know WHAT I'm going to do."

He held his face in his hands and she softened her gaze a little. She tried wrapping her arms around him in a supportive hug.

"Oh Adrien of course you can be yourself around me. I'm sorry if I ever made you feel otherwise. I'm worried too. But they've been our good friends for years now and I'm sure they'll continue to support us in the midst of everything. They have before, I'm sure they will now too." She said.

"I hope you're right." His face scrunched up in worry. "There is way too much at stake if this goes wrong."

"It won't. Okay? And even if it does, I'll be right here at your side fighting with you. You won't be alone. You have me. And Plagg. And Tikki."

The two Kwamis shyly popped up. They had been spending more time together since the reveal. Plagg enjoyed showing Tikki his cheese collection, and Tikki occasionally shared her cookie with him in return. Sometimes they liked dancing or trying out other hobbies that they hadn't yet tried before. Recently Marinette had caught them going on 'dates'.

"Besides, you aren't the one who will be cleaning up the messes I will." She said with a suddenly serious expression on her face.

He wasn't sure if she was referring to her miraculous or something else more sinister. He was afraid to ask for more details. Adrien was aware that Marinette had to deal with some things that as Chat Noir he had somehow unfortunately missed. He just hoped that this wouldn't be one of those situations. He enjoyed being by her side.

He hugged her closer, afraid that he might never see her again. You never knew with these kinds of things. She hugged him back as well.

"I just want you to know, that I've never cared about anyone as much as I care about you." He whispered in her ear. "If anything goes south, just remember that. Okay?"

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