Chapter Twenty-One

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Marinette made her way down to eat breakfast the next morning with a smile on her face. Adrien had left earlier that day (as Chat Noir of course) as not to rouse suspicion of his whereabouts last night. "Good morning! Isn't it such a beautiful day today?"

Tom and Sabine spotted Marinette and exchange a confused glance. "Uh yes, it is. Did something happen last night???" Sabine asked.

Marinette felt her smile grow with a blush on her face. "Er... I guess you could say that." Shoot. How was she supposed to keep anything a secret when she was practically wearing a neon sign on her forehead with the words; "I'm Ladybug! I'm dating Chat Noir!" on it.

"Well, it's just that you looked so upset yesterday... and we didn't really see you and now you are happy..." Sabine said.

She paused and starred at her mug that she was currently in the process of filling up with tea. It hadn't occurred to her that her parents would notice her abrupt shift in moods. She was too stuck in the moment to notice or care before. "Well, I guess you could say that I had a fight with... someone... and then we made up."

She put some hot water in her mug and bobbed the tea bag, ready to take a sip.

"Would that 'someone' happen to be Adrien? Adrien Agreste?" Tom asked.

Marinette almost did a spit take and tried to regain her composure. "How did you know???"

"You are our daughter, of course we know!" Sabine told her. "Besides, he came by the bakery the other day and looked pretty distraught. He wanted to see you. But I'm guessing you've talked it out since then."

"...Oh yeah, he did mention that."

"We gave him a croissant. He looked like he needed it." Tom said.

Marinette's face softened. "Aw well that was kind of you." She continued to prepare her breakfast.

"Well? Aren't you going to tell us?" Sabine asked.

"Tell you what?" She asked, uncertain of what her mom meant.

"You know, who your boyfriend is?"

"Boyfriend???" She asked ignoring the blush that was creeping on her face. Upon looking at her mom she noticed that she had raised her eyebrows.

"We aren't stupid you know. I think I'd know when my daughter has a new beau."

The urge to face palm was strong but she resisted the urge. "Mom-

"The real question is, is it Chat Noir or Adrien?" Sabine asked.

'Both' She thought to herself. Feeling the alarm bells ring in her head she instead said. "Uh, what???"

"We saw the news articles of you and Chat Noir! How come you never told us???"

"Uh sweetie perhaps she isn't ready to talk about it." Tom tried suggesting.

Sabine persisted. "Well?"

"I- I guess I wasn't ready and then we broke up." Marinette said. It wasn't a lie. It was just missing a lot of the details.

"And now you are dating... Adrien???"


"So soon? What about Chat Noir? How do you think he feels about all this???"

"Well, it was more of a fake relationship built on a misunderstanding so I really don't think he minds. He was the one who broke up with me after all."

"A... fake relationship?"

"Yeah, you know we said we were dating and everyone believed it...?"

"But why would you do that?"

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