Epilogue (2nd Edition)

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Adrien glanced at Marinette and let the corner of his mouth lift in a smile. After everything that had happened between them, he was so glad that he had her by his side.

"Adrien," Marinette Began.

"Yeah, Marinette?"

The two of them were walking along the seine together, hand in hand. It was a gorgeous blue sunny day. The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and they could finally relax after one tumultuous semester. (Graduated at last!!!)

"What do you want to do now that we are graduated?"

"I want to go see the world, with you of course."

Marinette felt her insides grow warm. She smiled bashfully. "You do?"

"Yeah, what were you hoping to do after graduation?"

"It doesn't matter what I want, I will always remain the guardian of Paris."

"But we defeated Hawkmoth! You can relax, for at least a little bit."

"Can I really?" Her voice wobbled. "I'd love nothing more than to just let go of all my responsibilities and go with you. If I could, I'd follow you to the ends of the earth."

He gave her hand a quick squeeze as he paused to think. "I think I can arrange something so that we can finally take a break and we can go travel. No one said anything against having back up. I'm not leaving you alone here."

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course I- I

"Adrien?" She turned to look at him as she noticed he had stopped walking. He silently shed a few tears. "Are you okay?"

They had both been through a lot in the last few months. He had just experienced a huge loss. It was understandable if he cried over it.

"You mean a lot to me. I'm not leaving you alone to deal with all of this. We are in this together." He said finally.

She bit her lip and looked at him, full of emotion. She leant forward and gave him a hug, not having the words to describe how she felt.

Surprised for only a moment, he joined in, squeezing her tightly. "You knew that, right? I wasn't going to just leave you here all alone."

"I- I honestly wasn't sure."

"Well it's good I said something then!"

"I was about to say..."

They stood there for a moment, allowing themselves a moment to take it all in. They may not have it figured out, they may not know what the future may hold, or even what they are going to do tomorrow. But they did have each other. Through thick and thin they were going to figure it out together. Whether in Paris, New York, or P.E.I, or Rome, they were in it together. And for now that would have to be enough.

After all they managed to overcome highschool and Hawkmoth together, surely they could manage whatever life threw their way.

Marinette looked up at Adrien and smiled. "I'm so glad I have you in my life."

His face broke into a grin. "Me too." He said before leaning forward and embracing her with a kiss.

"That's a great place for a kiss!" They heard a voice say after a little while.

They broke apart only to see Nino and Alya smirking at them. Marinette blushed and hid her face as Adrien grinned.

"Hey you two." Alya said.

"How would you two feel about stepping in as temporary guardians of Paris for a little while?" Adrien asked suddenly.

"I thought we already defeated Hawkmoth?" Alya said, crossing her arms.

"As backup. Just in case something happens. Some maniac decides to become the second Hawkmoth or something." Marinette added.

"Not that that will happen, of course. But as a safety precaution." Adrien said.

"You two already know all the ropes, we've fought alongside you. We trust you. We think you'd be perfect guardians of Paris."

Alya and Nino looked at each other for a moment before turning back to the famous duo. "We'll do it. You guys deserve a break."

"If you can serve Paris for five or more years, we can do it for one summer."

"See? I told you it was possible."

Marinette merely smiled at him, relaxing for the first time in five years. "I never should have doubted you."

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you." He teased while jokingly cupping his ear."

"Adrien! You know what I said."

"I don't know, I think you need to say it again."

She poked his nose in retaliation. He grinned before trying to bite it.

"Okay you two we're still right here." Alya said with a grin.

They turned to look back at their friends. "Right. Do you want to go get something to eat at the cafe to celebrate?" Marinette asked.

They all nodded in agreement. "Yeah sure."

The four of them went off to enjoy the first day of the rest of their lives.

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