Chapter Ten

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When Monday rolled around Marinette arrived at school with a big smile on her face – she had made major progress on her fashion comp. project thanks to Chat Noir, and had had a great time along the way. Maybe Chat Noir really would stay in Paris, thanks to this secret plan of theirs. She may not have feelings for him in that way but that didn't matter as they are only fake dating, right?

Surely, he didn't care in that way.

Alya approached the aspiring fashion designer with a surprised grin. "Hey girl, you're actually on time for once! And what's with the grin?"

"Well, I spent all weekend on my project for the fashion competition and I'm almost done!"

"Nice – but with that grin, are you sure there isn't anything you aren't telling me?"

"Oh, right. Chat Noir helped me. We even went on a –

Marinette stopped herself before she could say 'fake'.


Alya raised her eyebrows. "Wow girl, how was it?"

"How was what?"

"The kissing, I'm assuming there was some?"


Marinette faltered and turned bright red. She had not thought about this part of their deal. Sure, she was aware this was something couples did, but it had not occurred to her that this was something others would expect.

"We're just taking it slow." Marinette managed to say. "We even held hands!"

"Oh! So, you're that kind of couple."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Marinette had been proud of how well she had managed to do so and not freak out. She thought that had been enough to convince people that they are really a couple and not, you know, a fake one.

"Oh, you know you take it slow – so slow that you find out far too late that you don't even like each other that way but by that point you have been dating for a fairly long time and it would be weird if you broke up now-

"It's not like that! We just like taking it slow. There's nothing wrong with that." Marinette said feeling her face grow hotter to her chagrin.

"Or even worse, you find out something shocking and it would be a dealbreaker in your relationship but by that point you've caught feelings and now it will just end in inevitable heartbreak."

"You can be such a downer sometimes; you know that right? Just because we're not having crazy sex or kissing or whatever doesn't mean that we aren't a great couple!" Marinette said accidentally raising her voice, caught up in the moment." Alya tried warning Marinette of their classmate's rapid approach but it was too late.

"Hi Alya, Marinette." Adrien said, who was suddenly standing nearby with Nino at his side. He had heard the last part of their conversation and was currently trying not to blush at the thought of kissing Marinette – or possibly more. He tried to banish the dirty thoughts from his mind.

Marinette yelped, startled, jumping to the side away from the guys. "Who's having crazy sex?" Nino asked.

"Oh, no one. That's the point." Said Alya.

"Not every couple needs to have sexual relations in order to have a great relationship, okay?" Marinette said trying to avoid eye contact.

"'Sexual relations?'" Adrien asked with an amused grin.

"I'm just saying it might – help." Alya said carefully.

"Weather Chat Noir and I – kiss – or not is none of your business!" Marinette said with a huff. "I'll see you all later."

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