Chapter Seven

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Wondering curiously what on earth Chat Noir had told to whom that would require her lying about having spent time with her 'boyfriend' last night, Marinette entered the classroom somewhat unprepared for the barrage of questions that were shot at her that morning.

"Are you and Chat Noir dating?!"

"When did you start dating?!"

"Do you have a boyfriend Marinette?"

"Dang, you managed to bag a superhero... or should I say bang! Hahahahha"

"Is that why you're here on time for school???"

She walked silently to her seat in a daze. Had everyone gone crazy? How had they found out about Chat's lie? Or bought into it that is.

Sitting down beside long-time best friend Alya Cesar, she turned to her confused. "Why is everyone acting so strange this morning?"

"You mean why does everyone think you're dating Chat Noir? You tell me girl."

"I have no idea I-

Suddenly remembering Chat's text message, she remembered the lie she was supposed to tell. In front of her, a curious Adrien began to listen in. He hoped desperately she wouldn't break the lie.

"Oh, now I remember. It's just that, we promised we wouldn't tell anyone so you can understand my confusion, you know?" Marinette lied.

"Oh really? Then explain this." Alya showed Marinette a video on her phone featuring Chat Noir getting 'interviewed' by Nadia Chamak.

"Chat Noir, are you dating Ladybug?"

"No, I'm not, why does everyone keep asking that?" Silently Marinette agreed, thinking of her role as ladybug. She could never understand the confusion. And it had been years. It was beginning to get on her nerves.

"So, were you with anyone just now?"

"I may have been. Why does this matter?" Marinette knew Nadia could be ruthless when trying to get that inside scoop. Poor Chat.

"So, who was she, your girlfriend?"

"Yes, no, I don't know. I need to go now; can we have this chat later?"

"If you don't mind sharing, who was she?"

"You mean my 'girlfriend'? Or..."


"Okay fine, I was with my 'girl friend' Marinette."

The rest of the video was Nadia thanking Chat for his time, and him asking her not to share this clip with anyone before he lept away. Alya took her phone back.

Starring vacantly in front of her Marinette tried not to look so shocked or confused. This is knowledge that she supposedly already knew. Once she was finally able to talk with Chat, she was going to give him a piece of her mind. She understood pesky reporters but did he really have to say something so ... misleading?

"Marinette, are you okay?" Alya asked.

"Uh, yeah. I just wasn't expecting our relationship to go so public already. It's just much too soon." Marinette said, awkwardly continuing the lie in a high-pitched tone.

"Ah yeah. When Nino and I first got together we didn't want to tell anyone either. When he nearly blurted it out a week later, I was a bit surprised too." Alya said casually.

"Oh yeah! I remember that! He had decided to tell us all you two had decided to try to bake 'croissants' together. He had said it so confidently too that we were all very confused!" Marinette giggled, forgetting the Chat incident already.

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