Way back home

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Courier pov: artillery rocks the city, and collapses the already ruinous buildings. Desperate, man, woman and child, from tops casino worker to freeside thug, takes up arms in hopes of defending their home from the never ending legion onslaught. One moves from building to building praying they wouldn't step on a land mine, or get spotted by a sniper. It had been this way for 3 weeks now, it seemed every player in new Vegas was keeping the legion out of the untouched new vegas strip.

Boone: "Go, now"

I'd began running across an open street, ducking behind a car, as a shot rings out and a bullet hits it, just then a second shot rings out,

"You get him?" I say peaking my head out

Boone: "well if I didn't he would've taken your head off by now, so yeah, I got him"

"I only peaked because i have so much trust in your work"

Boone: *chuckling* "yeah, well maybe that's your problem, now come on, let's mine the place before his friends show up"

We began individually began taking out land mines, arming them, and placing them where they were likely to walk, just as we had over and over.
Boone: "we need to get back to base, it's getting dark"

"Race you there"

Boone: "Don't- HEY" he yelled as I was already running, then I stopped after a few steps

"Relax, i'm just fucking with you, I'm not gonna do that again after last time"

Boone: "I swear I don't know how we're not dead yet with you"

"Well the vigor tester always said I was lucky"

Boone: "yeah, well I don't doubt that, explains a lot actually"

Navigating from building to building carefully, in the dead of night, we eventually got back to the north strip gate. While so far it didn't seem like the legion was relying on espionage, we weren't going to let it happen, so we had to show identification, and sign into the base before entering.

Me and Boone signed in, and sat down in front of the fire, it was quiet. We were all waiting for the legion to start shelling freeside again, which they seemed to be fond of doing. We'd just grabbed a ration pack when I was approached by an ncr trooper
Ncr: "hey, are you that guy?"


Ncr: "the courier?"


Ncr: "Well, thanks you for everything you've done for the ncr, a real great thing you did for us"


Just then we heard his squadmate yell out to him

Sm: "Private Peter, get your ass over here and help us unload these land mines!"

He ran over without hesitation

"Why don't they ever talk to you? You've been with me 3/4 of the things I've ever done"

Boone: "yeah, well I don't envy you, that shit annoys me and I don't even get talked to"

"Speaking of not envy'ing, you catch that guys name? Private Peter? That's a cruel last name and rank"

Boone: "Probably just a nickname, drill Sargent's do stuff like that, you never live it down either, for half of my military career I was mr. Spoon, then I got into first recon, and well, then people- ah shit i shouldn't have told you that"

"Too late, you're now gonna be Mr spoon for the rest of your life"

Boone: "if like you're ass where it is you-

He was cut off when a box of land mines  was hit by artillery, and caused the camps shitty fortifications to blow up.

Boone: "Shit! Are you okay!? Hey!"

It took a minute but my senses came back to me and I tried to stand up, but fell back to the ground.

"Fuck, my leg!"

Boone: "hold on, they're coming, someone bring him the gate!"

I pulled out my 9mm pistol and started shooting at the now charging legion


Some troopers seemed intent on defying that order, but the ever approaching legion caused them to take up defensive positions, the legions attack on the strip was now!

FALLOUT:New Usa (first draft)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora