The Great Story

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Cragger looked around him in panic while stealing Chi from the pool. Since all the guards have been fighting his troops he wasn't stopped yet, but that changed when his old friend Laval spotted him. Laval said something he didn't care about and started chasing him. Cragger continued stealing the Chi, pretending he didn't notice the lion, until Laval got too close, Cragger jumped from the place he was sitting at and kicked Laval into the Pool. Knowing it would take a while for Laval to get out, he tossed a couple of the Chi to his warriors to help them capture the temple guards and prevent Laval from escaping, then took one himself and using his enhanced speed found Lagravis and Longtooth and captured them with the help of his troops. Once all the lion leaders were captured, he let out a loud crocodile call.

"Lions! Your leaders have been captured! Surrender!" He shouted as loudly as he could. Silence ensued, the lions and their allies all stopped fighting to see Lagravis and Longtooth captured. It didn't take long for a captured and soaked Laval to appear as well. Two full minutes of silence ensued while Laval was slowly being brought to Cragger.

"Listen Lagravis. I have captured your son. Surrender now or face the consequences!" Cragger shouted as the crocodiles that captured Laval brought their spears closer to his face.

"It looks like I must accept defeat this time, what is it you desire so much?" Lagravis said.

"I want the city. Chi and temple included." Cragger said. He got a bit closer to Lagravis.

"The city!? Are you insane!? Where would we live??" Lagravis said furiously.

"Where do my parents live? Tell your armies to leave or your son is meeting my parents. No giant vehicle this time, even though it wouldn't make a difference." Cragger quickly pressed his spear in Lagravis face so he doesn't notice he has tears in his eyes.

"Who even are you to talk to my father that way!?" Laval shouted.

"Don't you recognize me, Laval? Now, get out of here right now or your son is getting launched! Final warning!" Cragger said. He directed the last two sentences at Lagravis.

The lions and their friends all started leaving as the fight ended. Laval begged his father to continue fighting and not surrender, but they had to respect the peace treaty. Without peace treaties they are nothing. As soon as the Defenders of the Chi Temple left the Chi Temple both of Craggers allies approached him while he and his army were admiring his new pool. The first one to approach him was Razar from the Raven tribe.

"So, Cragger, when are we getting those trinkets and treasure you promised us? Ha, ha?"Razar said to Cragger. Cragger didn't look at him.

"Take anything inside the temple, other than the Chi and the temple itself, of course." Cragger continued staring at the pool.

"No Chi? But that's what we were fighting for! You know, only a couple of them would be enough without the rest of the things inside the temple. Apparently it's pretty rare outside the temple, uh, right no-"

"No! WE were fighting for the Chi, we promised you trinkets and treasure, not powerful natural resources! Be content I am even giving you anything!" Cragger said as he turned on his spear. He noticed antagonizing the ravens probably wasn't the best idea, but it was too late now.

Razar frowned. "Take everything, boys. We will not be coming back in peace." he said as he and the rest of the ravens flew away to find the most valuable trinkets in the temple. Cragger insulted the ravens under his breath and then looked at Worriz from the Wolf tribe.

"What do you wa- I mean, Worriz! Good fight, wasn't it? Anything else you need?" Cragger asked. He couldn't lose his last ally in such a short period of time.

Legends of Chima: Pax CrocodylidaeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang