The Joy Ride

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"Friends, today was the day you were supposed to get your Chi. Like every other month you have come here and asked for the Chi you rightfully deserved, but this month, it is different. The combined evil of the Lions, the Eagles, the Wolves, The Ravens, The Gorillas, and others have taken away your ability to get the Chi you have fully earned. There are good news, however, they have not managed to steal our Chi. By using it against them we will finally be able to get everyone the Chi they rightfully deserve. We will march to every hideout of the evil tribes that have stolen your Chi and beat every single one, until they finally let us give you your Chi. Of course, you will not be alone. The combined power of the Rhinoceros, Crocodiles, and Chi will be enough to beat them all. Now, who wants to take back their Chi?" Cragger finished his speech and the entire crocodile army started cheering. Cragger felt proud of himself for delivering such a good speech.

"But, uh, aren't you the ones with the Chi?" asked Rogon. Cragger's pride instantly faded away and he went back to his usual anger.

"Yes but I can't give it to you before we beat the bad guys!"

"Why not?"

"Doesn't matter. Now is the time for war and battle!"

The rhinos cheered and joined the crocodiles in their march towards Raven Town. Once they reached the town they were greeted by Razar, the Raven.

"Welcome friends! Would you also like to live in Raven Town?"  Razar asked Cragger.

"What is wrong with you Razar? Anyway, how would you like to get one Chi? All you have to do is tell us the precise location of every lion, eagle, wolf, raven, gorilla and others!" Cragger said, pointing at the Chi he was holding in his hand.

"Complete my Lion City collection? Gladly! Throw in a couple more and we'll even help you-"

"Enough! Cragger, you have stolen our Chi and our homes, what more could you possibly want?" asked Laval while pointing his Royal Valious at Cragger.

"Maybe you should ask the wolves that, when I threatened to soak Worriz, just like I soaked you! HAH! HAHA! HA! Ha!" Cragger laughed. Crawley and Crug couldn't help but chuckle themselves. Cragger then tossed a couple more Chi to Razar.

"FIne. If it is a battle you want, then it is a battle you will get (the rhinos cheered at this part). Plus, you have just given us a couple more Chi on top of the vehicles of ours that are fully charged." Laval said as Razar tossed him the Chi.

"Sorry Cragger, but Laval offered me a lot more Chi, you know how I am!" Razar said as he started laughing at Cragger, before flying away.

"See?" Cragger loudly exclaimed as he turned to his army "They are ridiculing us! Now we must show them who really owns all the Chi!"

In the time Cragger said this to his troops the entrance to the town was already sealed. This then meant that a good chunk of the army on the front would have to move to the sides of the walls to let a Claw Ripper break through the door. As soon as it began breaking through the door it was grabbed by an Eagle Interceptor. Cragger stared at the sky for a few seconds before ordering his army to send in another one. As soon as the second Ripper started breaking through the door a Gorilla Striker belonging to Gorzan appeared and lifted the Claw Ripper up with both arms.

"Sorry, I thought there was a banana on this vehicle's tail" Gorzan said before laughing then throwing the Ripper as far as he could. Cragger stared at the direction the Ripper was launched and then looked back at the Striker, which at that point was already gone.

"Send in another Claw Ripper" Cragger ordered, beginning to get very angry.

"We don't have any more Rippers sir." a crocodile soldier said. "We could use the Crocodile Tank though"

Legends of Chima: Pax CrocodylidaeWhere stories live. Discover now