The Warrior Within

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The Defender leaders were observing crocodile city from the same hill the four wolves were standing on the night before.

"Seems like they are dyeing the water of the river green somehow. Also, they replaced the lion head on the front of the temple with a crocodile one." said Longtooth.

"Those savages! How could they even do something so despicable!?" Lagravis said.

"Calm down guys. They are clearly just spiting us for the battle they were humiliated at yesterday!" Gorzan said, trying to cheer the lions up.

"Shut up, Gorzan. They are vandalizing our city and keeping our Chi to themselves. It's infuriating and brutal!" Laval said.

"It is uncultured and pointless!" Lagravis added.

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Eris asked.

"We'll just have to wait for the right opportunity like yesterday. Also, has anybody seen Worriz?"

By the time the leaders got there the crocodiles and rhinos have been working on the city for hours, replacing the lion heads on various places of the city, dying the river green like at the swamp, bringing in seeds for swamp trees and planting them near the river and painting the houses, walls and bridge green. While the changes were often minimal and barely noticable, it sent a message, especially tearing down the front gate due to the lion head. Cragger showed the Defenders that this was the new status quo and it worked. Laval was furious watching it, even more than his father. He ran to his speedor and started driving towards the city entrance. Lagravis was too focused on watching the city to care.

"Cragger! What are you doing with our city!" Laval yelled angrily at the crocodile king observing the construction of the crocodile gate from about ten steps below it.

"Your city? Pretty sure your father gave it to me when you embarrassingly lost that war" Cragger replied without looking at Laval, other than a quick glance to make sure he isn't running straight towards him.

"You are ruining the city for no reason and now you will pay!" Laval replied while making his way up the stairs holding his signature weapon.

"Please, just leave Laval. You are never getting the city back and you are certainly never defeating me." Cragger said as he started walking towards Laval, not bothering to ignite his spear. Laval started running towards Cragger. When he finally reached him, Cragger kicked the lion prince's chest and watched as he fell down the stairs. He then started running to meet him at the bottom.

Laval was hurt, so he decided not to stand up, and instead stared at Cragger as he made his way down the stairs.

"Listen Laval, this is just how things are going to be from now on. You are going to be stuck in some smelly town while I am enjoying my beautiful temple, which you have already enjoyed enough. Don't you think it's time for me to enjoy myself as well? Especially considering you killed my parents!" Cragger said as he looked at Laval.

"I didn't- that's just how it is Cragger, you lived at the swamp and I lived in the city because that's where we were born. You don't have the right to steal my home and leave me having to rent out one of the worst places to live in Chima!" Laval replied, too weak to sound threatening.

"I didn't? Well, I guess I did it anyway. Next time please say something worth my time" Cragger said as he pushed Laval with his foot.

"Why are you being like this Cragger? We were friends and now you are taking over my city? What has happened to you?" Laval asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"What do you mean, I have always been like this, I think. Doesn't matter, if you don't leave in the next four seconds you will see our new slightly green river from the bottom!" Cragger said as he pushed Laval again.

Legends of Chima: Pax CrocodylidaeWhere stories live. Discover now