This May Sting a Bit

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Cragger woke up and looked around him. He remembered exactly what happened, Crocodile City was in danger and if the lions manage to defeat the creatures...

He was in some sort of house, covered with a blue and white blanket. he took off the blanket and stood up. His head hurt, but not much else. The way he became unconscious probably wasn't very painful. He started walking around the house, but he couldn't tell where he was based on the look of the house. Was this where the creatures put him? Unlikely they would cover him with a blanket. He decided to go outside which disproved that theory. he was completely shocked by what he saw in front of him: the crocodile legend beast.

"The crocodile legend beast? Where were you when we lost those battles!?" Cragger said as he approached the beast.

"Imprisoned, unfortunately. The outland tribes have kept them prisoner until today, they decided Chi was more important, I guess." Lavertus said as he approached Cragger from behind the building.

"What? Are we in the outlands? Where are the rest of the legend beasts?" Cragger asked, trying to ignore the fact he was talking to a lion.

"Yes, Cragger. I followed the outland tribes to see where they were going and saw you... driving into them? Fortunately I was riding the crocodile legend beast so I took you with me and now here we are. What else would you like to know?" Lavertus said as he started feeding the crocodile legend beast.

"Why aren't you rescuing the rest of the beasts? Crocodile City is in danger!" Cragger said.

"Well I'm going to, you know I had to rescue you and find another one of those blankets, I don't even know why I have them. Plus, I have to feed the beast." Lavertus explained.

"Whatever, I'll just take a speedor. Do you have a map of the outlands?" Cragger said as Lavertus handed him the map he keeps on him at all times.

Cragger slowly drove through the outlands, trying to spot any potential outland tribes. The vegetation in the outlands was thick and green, but thankfully it had a road already made by the many outland tribe members that walked through it.

It didn't take long for Cragger to reach the place where Lavertus marked the legend beasts were. It was very unlike the rest of the outlands, dry and devoid of plants. Cragger quickly decended with a steep ramp that let the outland tribes leave the area. The ground was rough and hard to drive through with a speedor so Cragger decided to leave it at the ramp. He slowly walked up to the cave where he presumed the legend beasts were. He searched the entire cave, but didn't find a single legend beast. What he did find was his parents.

"Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here!?" Cragger said while crying tears of joy. Seeing his parents made him the happiest he had been in a long time.

"Cragger! What took you so long? You were supposed to have already rescued us!" Crominus said.

"What? How was I supposed to do that?" Cragger said.

"You are an embarrassment, Cragger! Why can't you be more like your sister!?" Crunket said.

His sister.

Cragger finally realized what had happened. After he threw Crooler into the Gorge she must have come in contact with his parents.

"Wait, Crooler was here? Did she let you smell some sort of plant by any chance?" Cragger said as the joy he felt a few moments ago quickly started fading.

"You should know that better than anyone considering you threw her into the Gorge of Eternal Depth!" Crunket said. Suddenly, they all turned around as they heard several animals approaching.

"Hi guys! I thought I'd bring the legend beasts here since someone, Cragger, didn't think that maybe the legend beasts wouldn't want to stay were they were trapped for several days." Lavertus said as he brought every legend beast except for the raven.

Legends of Chima: Pax CrocodylidaeWhere stories live. Discover now