Into the Outlands

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After a long time of fighting peace finally returned to Chima, but it wasn't the type of peace that brought a brighter future for everyone, it was the type that preceded something even worse.

Cragger hasn't been sleeping since the Black Cloud disappeared. To be fair, he didn't even sleep before the Black Cloud, but he was scared. Where did it come from? Where did it go? Cragger knew that this wasn't it. The Cloud wouldn't just steal all the Chi in Chima and then just leave forever. It will return, and soon.

On one of the many sleepless nights that followed after the appearance of the Black Cloud, Cragger decided to go for a walk into the forest. The forest was welcoming and bright, even though it was night. Cragger felt a certain security and comfort inside the forest  that he hasn't felt since he was born. The forest seemed to almost push Cragger into it as he giggled while hopping through it. He was finally happy, and it was all thanks to the place that he feared most.

Cragger suddenly woke up by a loud explosion followed by pulse beam sounds and animals shouting. Of course it was a dream, he could never achieve happiness sleeping inside the temple, deep down Cragger knew that. This was the lion temple, and until it was given back to its rightful owners Cragger would never be able to sleep.

Cragger jumped out of his bed and looked out the window, he could see the remains of the pulse beam that woke him up next to it. He suddenly realized what was happening.

Cragger picked up his spear and armor and rushed for the exit to the temple as fast as he could. Crawley was on his way to wake him up and the two crashed into each other.

"Sir, some strange creatures the likes of which we have never seen have suddenly attacked Li- Crocodile City! The exhausted and unprepared army didn't stand a chance and they are currently destroying everything they can! We need to leave now!" Crawley said while he rushed the crocodile king to the room where he kept his speedor. He didn't need to try, as there was nothing Cragger wanted more than to leave the city. As he sped through the city Cragger watched his new enemies. Like Crawley said, they were creatures he had never seen before, and they were unlike the tribes in Chima.

It didn't take long for the creatures to notice Cragger. The spider creatures soon started launching webs at him, and it didn't take long for one to hit. His speedor almost stopped when the web hit its back, but he managed to start the speedor again and rip the web in half. However, he soon got to the entrance of the forest, where the incoming creatures blocked the way. He decided he couldn't do anything else, and ran into them.

Legends of Chima: Pax CrocodylidaeWhere stories live. Discover now