Attack on Eagle Spire

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"Now remember, if any crocodiles come here and offer you Chi or anything else, remember that we will give you much more." Lagravis said as the Defender leaders were leaving Raven Town. While they got used to the ravens selling them things they couldn't keep living there, especially with a return to crocodile city seeming more and more impossible. They originally stayed there to prevent the crocodiles from communicating with the ravens, but the ravens promised that after that last battle they wouldn't join the crocodiles without a very good reward. After some short goodbyes the lions started marching towards their new home.

"You have to come live with us, it's a bit high up, I know, but it's the most well guarded and safest place in Chima now!" Eris said. The lions were still not convinced where exactly they will go next.

"Eagle spires? We have an even better place to live that is still high up but not as much!" Gorzan said.

"Thank you Gorzan, but I think Eagle Spires is the best place for us. Sure, it's high up, but it's also well guarded." Lagravis said. "Now, do you have to fuel to power your interceptors?"

"Yeah, that's the problem. We were thinking about carrying you instead. Pretty smart, right?" Eris explained, the rest of the eagles nodding. The lions were sceptical, but they agreed wasting fuel was a worse idea.

After about an hour of walking and flying, the lions and eagles finally reached the Spire. Even though the place was high up over the ground, the lions quickly settled in. After a few hours in the spire, the eagles that were outside reported a flock of CHI Raiders.

"CHI Raiders? You mean those Raven vehicles? Here?" Laval said as the lions quickly ran outside to see the raiders.

"Not to mention they seem to be carrying crocodiles with them." Eglor added.

"Hello friends! The crocodiles promised to cover fuel expenses AND gave us some extra Chi! Now that's a good reward for betraying your friends!" Razar said as the CHI Raiders got closer to the Spires. While the Eagles tried to stop them with their Interceptors, their goal was to get as close to the Spire and drop off the crocodiles, which due to their high speed they ended up achieving.

"You thought you were safe this high up? Think Again! Haha! HA! Ha!" Cragger said with a smile. The army following him chuckled as well. The lions and crocodiles started battling while the eagles tried to stop the raiders from leaving.

"Where are you going? You're supposed to stay here!" Crawley said while watching the Raiders.

"We're getting paid to stay, right? One Chi every hour, and I think an hour passed since we got here. Maybe." Razar replied while trying to shake off an Interceptor.

The fight between the crocodiles and lions was short, simply because the crocodiles had Chi. Immediately after beating the lions the crocodiles started throwing them off the bridge.

"Hey Ravens! I see a lot of valuables here inside! Stuff you don't want to go unstolen!" Cragger shouted. The ravens heard him very clearly. While they didn't want to risk getting beaten by the eagles, they didn't know what kind of treasure the eagles could be hiding inside their Spire, and curiosity got the best of them. One by one the CHI Raiders entered through the small hole and crashed somewhere inside the library, the crocodiles following close after them. The Eagles were busy rescuing the falling lions.

While the Ravens were busy stealing all they could and more, the crocodiles had other plans. Cragger brought fire with him, and he was planning to make the Spire unlivable. All the crocodiles took their own torches and started lighting as much of the library on fire. It wasn't long until the fire consumed even the Totally Ridiculous section.

The eagles and lions were soon back, and they were ready to rescue their library, or their friends' library. Knowing they were outnumbered and disarmed, Cragger signaled to the ravens that it was time for part two of their plan. After that, the crocodiles distracted the enemies using Chi while the ravens silently got out of there through the rest of the doors.

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