Hoodie/Brian Alphabet

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FEAT: Hoodie/Brian

A: Affection (Are they affectionate? How do they show affection?)

Apathetic. He can show proper emotions, he just doesn't really like to. Living as a Proxy, you get used to changing yourself. However, if he decides to be affectionate, it'll be simple. He might just hold you and tell you he loves you while you watch a movie or enjoy each other's company.

B: Beauty (What does he find most beautiful about you? What about himself? What about in general?)

On you, his personal favorite is your smile. He enjoys seeing you smile, knowing that you're happy makes him happy. On himself, it's his eyes. They're deep and can be used to intimidate and get his way. In general, it's nature. He enjoys seeing leaves fall and raindrops roll down windows.

C: Courtesy (How kind is he? Is he kinder or the same around others? How does he show it?)

He is a very polite and respectful man. Often, he shows this, not caring where or why. He acts the same around others. If anything, he's more polite around your friends and family, but he's a much more apathetic person toward his coworkers.

D: Dreams (What does he wish to accomplish? What is his dream life? What does he want for his future?)

He wishes to escape the life of a proxy, despite knowing he's unable to do so. His dream life is just to be free and with you. He wants to have kids, but likely won't act on it, mainly because he doesn't want them targeted and born into the life he'll give them with his line of work. 

E: Equal (Are you equal, or is one more dominant in the decision-making rather than the other?)

Brian makes a lot of decisions but makes sure you're up for it. He often takes the initiative to do things but won't put them into action without your comfort. Despite being a manic murderer, he does care about what you want and your comfort. You are equal. He won't do something without your permission.

F: Fights (Do you argue often? What triggers fights? How easily does he forgive you?)

He doesn't like to argue, and you don't argue often; mainly because he's always right. He won't open his mouth if he knows he's wrong, already having devised his answers and predicted yours. The only thing that triggers fights is if you falsely accuse him, poke him too much after a bad day, or push him too far after warnings. And even then, he still finds a way to make it a joke. He forgives relatively easily, knowing it was an accident, and finds himself being unreasonable with his anger. 

G: Gratitude (How grateful are they for you? What else are they grateful for? Do they show their appreciation?)

He appreciates you very much, often showing his appreciation by s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ buying you something nice. You saw a ring you liked once? Yours. Nice dress? Yours. Cool phone case? Yours. He's very grateful for his stealth; getting you things and sneaking around is much easier. They show their appreciation but will deny it if you say anything.

H: Honesty (How honest are they? How much do they keep hidden from you? Do they have a good reason?)

He is a very honest person, despite being a serial killer. Often, he won't hide things from you unless it's for your safety. Brian likes to tell you things, but when he comes home and you ask where he was, he'll say "Work" and you understand. They don't keep things hidden. They have a good reason if they do and won't go out of their way to tell you about their past. 

I: Inspiration (Did you change them? For the better or worse? Or not at all?)

You did! For the better, too! He was a recluse, only ever leaving his home for groceries or missions, but you got the better of him. He now enjoys taking long walks, visiting parks and will go out of his way to see things about nature. 

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