5th Chapter: Heat

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Before talking about "what alters are", we must clarify well what identity is in all humans.

All our experience, what we live, what we think, what we perceive, is being integrated all the time.

Identity is not the same as personality

Identity is a sense of self, an amalgamation of all our experience, thoughts, feelings, actions that gives it meaning and tells us who we are in the world we know and our place in it. The identity is absolutely unique, since there is not a single person who has lived exactly the same and in the same way.

Personality is part of identity, it is this pattern of behaviour in similar situations that differentiate us from other people. It is a pattern observable by oneself and by other people. It's easy to describe and study, too, unlike identity.

So, why do we change the term from personality to identity? When a person makes a "switch" not only does the pattern of behaviour change, but it also changes because the identity is also different.


Vante's POV:

I left my belongings in a corner of the gym, walking over to the punching bag hanging from the ceiling. Accommodated my gloves on my hands trying to free my mind from that sheila who hasn't stopped haunting my head all the arvo.

Her words, her expressions, everything in her begged me to protect her and it was driving me crazy to go against these instincts. As if I was born to protect her and knowing that I am hurting her makes me want to punish myself.

I got into position and punched the bag hard, causing it to bounce back, soon to be accompanied by more punches in an attempt to release my anger.

«If you consider my feelings a nuisance, then I'd rather just go.» I punched, feeling the adrenaline rush through my head, the scene playing over and over like a cassette. «You don't want me in your life? I'm not going to insist anymore.»

It's not true, Fuck!

«You strive every day to live up to the expectations of a pack that looks down on you just for being a woman.» The dwarf's words hit me hard like a slap in the face. "And, despite that, how much you love us, and how you would do anything to keep us safe." My heart clenched, realizing that I have unknowingly belittled her.

I feel like a heartless dill wanker!

Angry with myself, I began to hit more erratically and accelerated. My breath agitated with hot blood. Veins stood out on my neck and face as if they were going to explode at any moment.


"Don't play innocent, what do you want from me? Fuck me? Make fun of me? Do you think you can come here and tease me? There's no reason to want my friendship." I gripped her wrist tightly, smirking.

It was the first time I saw this person, I wasn't going to let her consider that she can fool me so easily.

I stared into her eyes trying to display her soul and unmask her intentions. I couldn't trust her, I can't believe anyone.

All are felons, all seek to harm others, primarily those who hide behind that angel mask, are the least trustworthy.

"Do I really need a reason to want to be friends with someone?...I guess if I had a reason to want your friendship, then the friendship would disappear when the reason disappears. " She argued convinced of her words.

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