9th Chapter: Eccedentesiast

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Myth: DID is obvious, "multiple personalities" should be easy to spot.

Fact: There are three clinical presentations of DID. Only 5-6% of individuals with DID show extreme flowery differentiation between alters or show severe and dramatic switches.

Instead, most DID patients tend to isolate themselves, hide changes (whether aware of it or not), hide and/or ignore their symptoms, not to mention voices, and have learned methods of filling in memory gaps. The changes (switches) can be perceived by other people, but not interpreted as a different personality, but rather a change in mood, a change in energy (from energetic to tired), fickleness, inattention, or in more extreme cases, psychosis or regression. This is because people are not clear on the idea of what a switch looks like or what it implies.


Omniscient narrator:

One of the hardest decisions you will ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder.

Amy was walking to her class. It's been a couple of days since the two of them last met, and honestly, Amy wasn't ready for it.

"Hi Amy." Taehyung greets as soon as he sees her, the emotion is visible on his face as he approaches the alpha.

"Hey... Taehyung?..." Amy answers, her expression is strange, it caused doubts to settle in Taehyung's heart.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

"Don't worry, Tae, I'm just a little stressed because I need to catch up." She smiles awkwardly.

"Oh yes, you study two majors, it must be difficult for you..." Taehyung answers with understanding. "I would be happy to share with you my notes about the subjects we have in common."

"I would be grateful for that, Taehyung." Amy looked into Taehyung's eyes, getting lost in them. She felt her heartbeat go out of control with just his closeness. She was so comfortable with him, the feeling that she belonged next to him.

Taehyung was silent for a moment, his eyes seemed sleepy.

Opening his eyes again, he looked at her curiously.

"Are you Amy?" His pheromones changed slightly to white chocolate, asking suddenly. "They told me about you."

"I am, and you are?"

"Renoir, my lady, bonjour." He gently took her hand and then placed a kiss on its back. "I longed to meet you."

"Me? Why?" Amy blushes at this gesture.

"They talk a lot about you in here." He pointed to his head.

"Are you hearing someone?" She asked curious.

"Oui, there's Taehyung... 90%? He almost co-fronts." He makes a graceful hand gesture over his chest as he stands up straight. "Vante is 40% co-conscious, Robin 50%."

"Co-front? Could you explain?" Amy looked at him still with curious eyes.

"Co-consciousness occurs when one alter is in front and others behind, communicating and aware of what is happening in the body and the outside world at the same time. Co-fronting, is like being in front at the same time with other alters, controlling the body and actions simultaneously, is somewhat uncomfortable." He began to walk towards his classroom.

"Alter? Do you mean the voices?" Amy followed his step.

"Oui, my lady. Are you very busy? I would like to invite you to dinner at sunset." His voice gentle and calm.

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