Pt. 1

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I've always hated him. The reason? I will not tell. It's personal. I fucking hate him so much.

"Quit staring at me Lewis" Harry said as his eyes stayed glued to his phone.

I rolled my eyes and watched as Niall and Liam kicked a ball around and zayn was in the corner getting the nerves of having a concert in about 30 minutes.

All 5 of us are just sat backstage while fans pile into the huge stadium.

"Do you guys know that giraffes are the tallest animal in the world?" Harry said, while Niall kicked the ball at the wall. Everyone looked him stupidly. "Well I'll tell you what Sherlock Holmes.... You are unbelievable" Niall rolled his eyes and smiled.

Paul peeked his head in the room, catching all of our attention, "come on boys, we need you guys to start getting dressed, since we already did your hair and makeup earlier."

The boys looked at eachother "who's first Paul?" Liam spoke up. Paul looked at all of us and finally said "let's do... Harry and Louis first"
Paul smiled as I groaned and Harry scoffed. "Come on you two we don't have time for your little boyish hatred"

I got up first wanting to get done, and Harry decided he was going to try and beat me there. So I ran after him only being reasonable.

Harry pushed me out of the way to be the first in the doorway, so I jumped on his back and pulled him down and hopped up quickly, on my feet starting to run when Harry trips me and I fall face first into the carpeted floor.

But that shit still hurt. I sat up not seemingly trusting my feet right now.

Harry gasped. I rolled my eyes and looked at him, "what." He motioned a hand up to his nose signaling something was wrong with mine.

I went to feel my nose and I touched a liquid coming out of my nose.

I pulled my hand away and saw blood. "Oh my god Harry. You have to be SOO problematic that you make me bleed." I got up walking off to the bathroom, him on my trail.

"I'm sorry Lou..-is" he said quickly and panicking, I chose to ignore that name shortening. "You're not sorry. Just go tell Lou I'll be there soon" I said rolling my eyes at him and I cleaned my nose off in the mirror.

He let out a long sigh and left me alone. I stuffed the napkin in my nose and put my head in my hands on the bathroom counter.

I wiped off my eyes because they had water on them from when I splashed water on my nose, and walked to the dressing room.

I walk in to see Harry putting on black skinnies and a black t-shirt. I roll my eyes at him and walk to find my outfit I previously picked out.

A black shirt with cutoff sleeves, along with black skinnies as well. I'm not matching Harry I picked my outfit out first.

"Oh honey what happened to your nose?" Lou ask me as she lifted my head upwards to take a look. I side eyed Harry and said "I don't know Harry. How did it happen?" He looked guilty and Lou looked between them.

"You boys and your silly little fights. Hug and makeup yeah?" She crossed her arms.

Me and Harry looked at each-other and I stared at him waiting for the apology first. I'm petty.

So what. He looks at me a little hesitant until he gets his balls back and says "I'm sorry Louis." Staring at the ground so he avoids eye contact with me. "Thanks."
I say and put my other shirt on and Lou jabs me in the ribs to apologize back.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sorry too." I said almost gagging at the words coming out of my mouth.

"Was that hard?" Lou smiled and I was about to say yes when she smacked my head.

Lou was almost like our road mother, because we barely got to see our own. It's sad, but at least we can give our families the life they never had.

I smirked at Lou and pulled my shoes on. Harry got done and walked back as zayn came in to get his clothes on.

"Hey zaynie" I smiled at him and finalized putting my shoe on. "Hurry on Louis! We gotta get the other boys too" Lou rushed, I rolled my eyes playfully and walked out, and Niall passed me chasing Liam.

I walked back into the relaxing room and saw Harry in there. "Move your feet, I was sitting there curly" I put my hand on my hip and looked down at him.

Harry looked at me thru his eyelashes and shook his head as his eyes batted back down to his phone. "Do you have to be so goddamn complicated?"

"Fuck off tomlinson"
he remarked.
"Whatever curly"
"quit calling me curly, I have a name." Harry snarled
"so do I, stop calling me Tomlinson." I crossed my arms.
"Well it is your name isn't it?" Harry looked up at me and smirked, I hate when Harry does this, so I pushed him off the couch.

"HEY!" He said as his body landed on the ground with a thud. "That's for making my nose bleed." I smiled mischievously at him "And this is for making me fall" he said as he yanked my leg and I fell on him. "Ow! Fuck you styles" I wiped off my eyes and pushed myself off his chest.

"I bet you wanted this huh. You wanted me to fall on you because you're a-"
I was cut off by Paul walking in "BOYS! 10 min-" he paused and looked down at us. "Am I- uh.... Interrupting something?"
Paul snickered, "NO! Harry tripped me!" I quickly got up and I could feel my face heat up. "I'm not gay." I said and stomped off.

I decided to get some alone time in the 10 minutes we had left, but I knew that wasn't gonna happen because the crew would be forcing us around to the stage.

I sat close to the stage entrance so they could find me and I sat down, back to the wall, sighing.

Why did Harry do that. He must be gay. But he's slept with women? What does Harry like? Wait why do I care. I hate Harry. I mentally groaned and saw crew pacing towards me.

"Come on Louis! 5 minutes" I quickly got up and was pulled around by a crew member that was assigned to making sure I get on stage. Just like all the boys have their own crew member that checks their microphones and ear pieces.

I got my ear piece in, and was given my microphone and I made my way to stand where the boys were standing, keeping a obvious distance between myself and Harry.

Liam kept flipping his microphone and constantly pushing his ear piece back in, zayn was fiddling with his jacket zipper, Niall was rubbing his eyes and almost dropping his microphone, and Harry was running his fingers through his hair... he suddenly looked so attractive? In the spotlights that shined through to where they were.
What am I thinking.

I quickly erased those thoughts and focused on the concert we had in... 3,2,1.

"Go ahead boys! Have a great concert!" The crew cheered.

I smiled and we all got lifted up to the stage. And the fans went wild, as seeing up pop up.

I smiled at some and waved as the first song started up. Midnight memories.

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