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"LIAAAAM" i yelled chasing Liam on the stage with water. Liam ran all the way to the end of the stage and realized it was a dead end, so being Liam he jumped off the stage making the bodyguards stress as the fans tried to get to Liam.

I just laughed as I watched Liam run along and climb back up at a different part of the stage away from me. And it was my part in 'I would' so I decided to give him a rest for now.

"Feels like I'm constantly playing A game that I'm destined to lose 'Cause I can't compete with your boyfriend He's got 27 tattoos" I quickly sang as the rest of the boys and Liam started to sing their together part and I just ran over to Liam and began singing while pouring my whole water bottle on his head.

I could hear Liam scoff through the thousands of people laughing and screaming. The song ended and Liam chased me with his water bottle and I ran to hide behind the closest person there was. And that person being Harry.

I hid behind Harry and gripped onto his hips Turing him whatever way Liam tried to get water on me from. It was Harry's part in story of my life and he started stuttering like crazy. "You alright Harry?" I ask whispering in his ear and smirking.

I finally let go of Harry because it was Liam's turn to sing and he couldn't hurt me if he was singing. So I grabbed a Gatorade bottle instead and poured it over his head laughing like crazy and retreating to zayn knowing he'll protect me.

Zayn was laughing like crazy as it was his turn to sing and he couldn't get the words out because he was laughing too much. Niall couldn't hold himself together either as he looked at Liam soaked in red Gatorade.

I was the oldest out of all the boys yet I was the Child. The fans just watched us in awe as we all messed with each other and Liam was coming towards me with blue Gatorade.

Zayn looked at Liam threateningly and Liam slowly went the other way. I just laughed right into zayns shoulder.

I finally got up forgetting about liam and I was singing my part when blue Gatorade was poured over my head. I gasped at the coldness rushing down my back and down my chest making my white shirt stained and sticking to Me.

My mouth stayed wide open as Liam snickered and ran off to a different part of the stage. The Gatorade running in my hair falling on the stage. God I hope someone slips on that.

I quickly went to grab two bottles of Gatorade completely forgetting about the song playing, and running after Liam, I chased him down the long part of the stage, Liam grabbed his own Gatorade bottles and we both pour both of the bottles over each others head at the same time as the music fades in the background.

I laughed loudly as Liam looked determined to get it all over me. We both laughed as the last of the Gatorade came out

The fans go crazy as they watch me and Liam laugh and run separate ways.

I accidentally run into Harry and hug his waist, laughing like crazy and the crowd starts to Awh us.

"Bloody- Louis I didn't want Gatorade on me too" Harry says pushing me off him gently. I put my microphone up to my mouth "oh whatever Harry, yknow you like it" I winked at the crowd screamed, Harry just froze and his cheeks turned pink.

I just laughed at Harry and patted his shoulder. "ALRIGHT LETS FINISH THIS UP SHALL WE??" I screamed into the mic and the crowd booed. "Calm down you lot, you'll be ok, now this is 'Right now' sing along if you know the lyrics"
And the music started to play as me and the boys lined up.


"Thank you all for coming out, we're one direction. GOOD NIGHT!" Niall said as we all ran off stage to all the screaming fans.

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