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"What! Why does your sign say that. THIS IS A FAMILY SHOW!" Harry scolded the fan with a sign reading 'please spit on my face, then punch me'

I was with the rest of the boys just casually watching and getting a break after half the setlist has been sung. We just have 1 more hour. I'm honestly way to tired for this, I can't wait to get back to the hotel. Harry skipped around stage until a banana was thrown at him, guess where it hit him. That's right the balls. Karma some could say.

"OW!" Harry yelled in pain and bent over holding his crotch as he fell to the ground on his knees.

I started losing myself. I couldn't take how funny it was, I hid my face into zayns shoulder. And I could hear zayn starting to laugh too, as he hid his face in my hair.

At this point the stadium was infested with 'awhs' from the crowd. I took my face out of zayns shoulder and looked at the crowd and said into my microphone, "Come on! It wasn't that cute, now I think we should get back on track!"

The boys agreed as Harry was now on his back still in pain. "Harry mate, get up you're fine I'm sure." I said trying to seem friendly as I walked over to him and I stood over him.

"You would know the pain if you had balls" Harry groaned and snickered a bit, his microphone was rolling around and almost went off stage as a body guard caught it and pushed it back over.

"Whatever mate, at least I didn't get hit in mine." I said as Harry finally got up.

He side eyed me as the music for little things started to play.


The concert finally came to an end, with a goodbye to all the crying fans, me and the boys ran off stage, tossing our microphones in a bucket, along with the ear pieces, I grabbed a different shirt to wear as I threw off the other one while running and pulling on my white jumper, me and the boys finally made it to the car and jumped in.

With a heavy sigh we all got comfortable and buckled up.

Harry scrolled through twitter, Niall fidgeted with the lock button teasing the driver, zayn fell asleep, and Liam kept his eyes trained on the road, however for myself I just stared at nothing until my eyes closed and I fell asleep.


"Ugh, Lewis wake up" I felt someone shaking me "guys I think he's dead." I heard Niall say, as I woke up and saw the hotel with screaming fans outside. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, "ah so you're not dead Lewis" I rolled my eyes "stop calling me Lewis, is Louis, in case your small brain didn't pick up on that." I remarked. Harry scoffed and said "I'm way smarter than you may think. You're the idiot here" now it was my turn to scoff  "yeah ok."

Zayn groaned "could you two stop fighting for one second and get out, I'm tired and I can't get out because I need your seats to be let down to get out. So shut up and go!" So we did. Zayn gets angry when he's tired, he mostly gets angry if people don't cooperate and get in the way of him sleeping.

Me and Harry jumped out and we're met with flashing lights and fan girls screaming they love us.

Harry pushed me along and I found it quite rude as I was trying to cover my face.

Me and Harry made it into the lobby, I got the keys to my room and he got the keys to his, us going the same way because it seemed our rooms were beside each others. Great. Me and Harry stood awkwardly in the elevator both too tired to start a fight. And we both went to our rooms, as us both being exhausted as the rest of the boys.

I closed my door, and closed my curtains, didn't want any crazy fans climbing up to see me sleep.

I discarded my shirt and my pants, leaving me in my boxers. I wiped off the little makeup that lou put on us and moisturized my face to keep from getting bad skin. I turned off my bathroom light and hopped in my huge bed. I finally got comfortable when someone knocked on my door.

"You've got to be fucking me. If this is a fan I swear to god." I got up and walked over to the door forgetting I'm almost naked. I opened the door and was met with... Harry?

Harry looked me up and down and his face got seemingly red. Weird. "Can I help you styles?" I said through half lidded eyes. "I really hated having to ask but no one else seems to have it, uhm- I- uh-" "spit it out styles." I crossed my arms and stared at him. "Do you have a extra water I could have? I don't have any and I don't wanna drink sink water." Harry's face beyond red at this point, as he fiddled with his fingers. "Hold on." I said to go check for a water bottle.

I found one and threw it to him. "T-thanks"
"Yeah. Good night styles. Unless you need something else." I rolled my eyes.

"Nope. Night." He quickly walked off to his room and I shut my door. Going back to get comfortable in my bed. But not seeming to fall asleep as Harry was on my mind for some reason..

Why did he get so nervous.. he's seen me in this state before. And why is he acting strange recently.

So many questions and so little time in the night. I sighed and fell asleep at least with the curly haired male on my mind.

Strange. After all the events that night. That one was the strangest of them all.


I was woken up by frantic knocking on my door. "Wake up Louis! We have to get you guys to the studio before the concert tonight." I heard Paul say, as I groaned and got up throwing the covers off, because if I didn't I would fall back asleep.

I stretched, and went to the bathroom to hop in the shower. I stripped my clothes, and got in when the water was just the right temperature.

The warm water running down my front and my back, it was soothing and just what I needed because I haven't had a shower since last night and I was sweating and had water poured over my head by Liam.

I'm totally gonna get him back for that tonight, because he poured it over my head during no control, he knew I couldn't do anything about it because I was the main part in that song.

I finally got out and brushed my teeth, and picking out my outfit.

A white jumper and some black sweats.

Another knock was heard on my door "Louis you better not be in that bed still" I heard Paul warning. I was feeling a little bit funny today so I replied back "what if I am Paul. You can't do anything about it." I quickly got up and put pillows under my blanket so it looked like I was actually under my blankets still. And I hid behind the door, knowing that Paul had a key that was his last resort.

The door swung open almost hitting me but I caught the handle as I watched Paul pull back the covers, he turned around last second to see my darting out the door laughing like crazy. I past all the boys standing in the hall looking tired. They all lit up as they saw me run down the hall with Paul chasing me not that far behind.

I was cornered at the end of the hall and Paul was getting closer, I tried to trick him but he caught me and picked me up over his shoulder. I kicked my feet like a kid and the boys all watched me and laughed. "PAULL PUT ME DOWN" I yelled punching his back playfully. "Since you want to be cheeky and not cooperate I'm going to help you cooperate." Paul said. I gave up and watched
The boys walk behind us, them all laughing at me.

I watched harry a little longer than I should've and saw his dimples that came up while he laughed. He looked so cute- WAIT. No he didn't what the fuck am I thinking. I adverted my eyes and we made it to the lobby. Paul finally put me down as there was screaming fans outside that probably would knock me off him and I could break something.

We pushed past the fans and made it to the black suv.

I got in the back with Niall and zayn, while Harry and Liam sat up front. I felt a pang of jealousy hit me but it went away as fast as it came.

That was weird.

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