Pt. 7

32 4 16

The jet landed and I haven't spoken to Harry since... the bathroom.

And honestly all was going well.

I had completely forgotten about it.

That was until Harry got of the jet with me and slung a arm around my shoulders.

"Hey mate" Harry said and I could basically hear the smirk without even looking at him.

"Look Harry that was... a mistake.. I'm straight. I was acting on impulse.." I rambled on.

"Mate shut up, you're not straight if you fucked me. You're bi at most. But I just wanna say I don't fucking regret it...dick" Harry walked away but I heard the last part.

Ugh. Whatever.

I rolled my eyes and walked at my own pace to my car that I asked to be delivered personally so I could drive by myself.

I didn't say a word to the paps as I hopped in my car and threw my bag into the backseat.

I sighed and put my hands on the wheel, But not starting the car yet.

What the fuck is my problem.

Does Harry have a crush on me?

Can I go home?

I just wanna see my mum, and Lottie, and fizzy, and phoebe, and daisy, I'm sick of this band.

Right, ok obviously I didn't mean that last bit.
I just want to scream.

I started the engine and drove to my flat.

I didn't feel like staying in a hotel, kinda pointless to waste money when I have a house here in London.

My hands gripped the steering wheel and my foot suddenly slammed on the break.

Thank god for no cars behind me because then I'd be in a pickle.

But Harry was just running everywhere in my mind and I couldn't get the little fuck out.

I squeezed my eyes shut in frustration before opening them up slowly and seeing there was a car coming in my rear view mirror.

I quickly took my foot off the break and began to slowly push down on the gas to get the car safely to my flat.

Finally I made it back and saw a unfamiliar car in my driveway but so familiar at the same time.

I parked beside it and then I realized.

That's Harry styles fucking car.

You've gotta be kidding me. How did he get here faster than I did.

I let out a loud groan and grabbed my keys and slammed my car door shut.

Slowly walking up to my front door and opening it, I was met with Harry in my living room just staring at a picture frame of my mom and me.

"The hell are you doing in my house styles" I said as I took off my shoes and placed my keys on the counter, avoiding any eye contact.

"You've been ignoring me since the bathroom." He said not turning around and tracing the fireplace with his fingertips.

"Well.." I mumbled.

"So was it just a quick fuck for you? Is that all I am to you?" He said turning around with a new found darkness in his eyes.


"Go ahead deny it. Because we all know Louis Tomlinson is a big snob who doesn't care about anyone but his goddamn self. You can sit here and tell me that your care about others feelings, because you don't."

"Ok first of all. That's way fucking out of line styles."

"Oh shut the hell up. You're playing the victim here like always."

"You know goddamn well I care about you"

"THEN WHY DONT YOU SHOW IT?! Huh?! Afraid?!" Harry said raising his voice louder than I expected.

"Of course I'm fucking afraid you dumbass" my eyes started to water.

"I'm not gonna be here forever. And I'm tired of sitting around and waiting for you to choose me. But guess what. You never do. You never will. Because you're worried about what others will think. You live off of others opinions on your life. You basically Crave validation from fans. It's tiring waiting on a man to like you back. And I'm bloody sick of it." Harry said all up in my face now with a finger to my chest.

I looked down and he scoffed.

"Exactly. Stay away from me Tomlinson." He said walking to my door, opening it, and shutting it behind him.

One singular tear made its way down my cheek and stayed on my chin for a moment before dropping down and hitting my hand.

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply before letting out a scream so loud that someone would think I was dying.

And I was.

Dying because Harry was right. I do crave validation and I'm scared to know what people will think of me.

That one tear turned into sobs on the kitchen floor. Alone. In the dark.


I woke up the next day drenched in sweat and had to practically unglue myself from the floor.

I got up and checked my phone.

Oh. Dead. Great

I slowly went up the stairs and plugged my phone up whilst I took a quick shower to wash off the tears, dirt, and sweat.

After the shower I checked my phone.

20 missed calls from Liam.
200 unread texts.
4 missed calls from Niall.
12 missed calls from zayn.

And nothing from Harry. As expected.

I opened my Liam messages that read


Hey mate you kinda disappeared after the flight. You alright?
Louis srsly you needa answer me, we have Brits rehearsal today.
Wake the hell up.
Louis Istg If some drunk took u home with them I will kill them
Pls don't be hungover.
YOUVE MISSED 20 OF MY CALLS. Are you alright?
You usually answer after the 5th call.
Louis rehearsal!

I smiled softly at how worried Liam was about me. He's so sweet.

I grabbed some clothes on and rushed out the door and put to my car. Quickly starting the engine and driving to rehearsals as fast as

I got to the arena and wasn't too late thankfully.

Try me styles <L.S>Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin