~.✧ seventeen ✧.~

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Over the course of the next few days, nothing could ease my mind

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Over the course of the next few days, nothing could ease my mind. Larklind tried to tell me that my brother was a man of his word, that he wouldn't tell unless he had to, and I knew this. Yet a horrible feeling of impending doom settled across my shoulders and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to go away. It was like a fur coat, heavy and hot and miserable in the summer heat.

I tried to get my mind to settle by focusing on the time that I did have with Lark, the precious moments we stole when no one was looking, the gentle embraces that we gave each other like it was the last time we'd be allowed to hug. But every time, the anxiety just rippled back to the surface.

It didn't help that the reports on Asria were still so uneventfully devastating. As each day went on without word, the more each of us changed. We were all losing hope, even Father. Every man Austora could spare was on the mission of retrieving her, yet there was still not a single sign. Either the men who had taken her were experts at covering their tracks or...

I didn't want to think about the alternate option.

I woke up four mornings after Kartren had discovered Larklind and me, clouds covering most of the sun's rays yet suffocating heat trapping me inside my sheets. I kicked them off and threw my legs over the side of the bed, wiping at the sweat on my brow with the back of my hand. I stared out the window, wishing desperately that all of the fear that plagued my chest would just disappear. But I was never so lucky.

While Gentry had noticed my unusually excessive amount of anxiety, she'd been gracious in not prying. I appreciated her being there for me without being overwhelming, so I told her the simple facts of what was going on. And while her support on the matter was comforting, this morning I didn't feel like speaking to anyone at all, even her. So I didn't summon her to help me get ready. I just got up and did it myself.

The dress I chose was green, a color I didn't wear often, but its deep hue felt appropriate for the weather and the emotions swirling through my heart. I braided the sides of my hair and pulled it back in a simple ribbon, leaving half of it draped around my shoulders. Evaluating myself in the mirror, I decided that this would have to do.

Though my appetite was nearly nonexistent this morning, I still walked down stairs toward the Dining Hall, where I knew I'd be expected for breakfast. I hoped maybe I could slip in unnoticed, eat quickly, and then leave without much conversation from the rest of my family.

But upon arrival, I knew this would not be the case.

Both my mother and father's eyes were on me when I entered the room. Kartren was watching his food and Braz had yet to arrive. I hesitated by the door, my chest tightening. I didn't have to have them tell me why their expressions were so stoic to know the reason. I could feel it in the air.

"Sit, Asaidylina," Father said, his voice monotone and deep. It was his king voice.

I swallowed and slowly started to walk toward the table, tapping my fingers behind my back. The walk felt like it took ages, their eyes plastered to my every move.

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