Chapter9: Despair

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Arc: Chapter9

   'Direct Shot!'

With this shot... my life will change. The average Naruhaya is no more!

Naruhaya was confident that he would succeed.

The ball sprinted in a straight line, and there was no one near the goal. It was too late for the Bluelock man to stop that. For a moment, it appeared as if Team Red was finally, finally going to score a goal.

For a moment, everyone held their breath. And stopped what they were doing.

Everyone except Leon, that is.

Just when the ball was near the goal, Leon appeared, and once again, he viciously and cruelly took away their hopes.

"Hmm... not bad."

That was all Leon said in the faces of Team Red -Naruhaya's- overwhelming despair.

With a plop, Naruhaya fell to the ground on his knees and tightly clenched the grass.

For a moment, it was silent.

Then, it was broken by Shidou.

"I think you just captured my heart," he said, pointing finger guns at Leon with the (not) faintest tint of blush on his cheeks.

"I think you already said that before. Try again."

Leon said, causing an arrow to go through Shidou's heart.

Shidou mumbled, clutching his heart, "I think you just made me fall for you even more."

Leon was walking toward the despairing Naruhaya and did not hear him. But Kurona who heard Shidou gave him a weirded-out look.

Without notice, the match seemed to stop subconsciously. Or not. The war of stealing the ball did not start because the ball was currently being stepped on by Leon.

(The ball: Here I am, living the moment of my life.)

"...That was Isagi's weapon, wasn't it?" Leon said to Naruhaya whose head was still on the ground. He continued, "Copying others is not your fort. If only you used what was yours, you might have a chance. With you like that now... you are nothing more than a trash."

With that, Leon took off. Naruhaya still not lifting his head.

What kind of bullshits are you talking to me!? With my weapon, I might have a chance!? Then, pray tell! Why didn't I stand out more than Isagi!? Why did I never score a goal!?

At first, Naruhaya had confidence in his weapon, especially, his footwork. But, was there a moment where he score a goal on his own? No, even with others, he never scored a goal.

Naruhaya's confidence dwindled little by little. Until his confidence and insecurity were down to the floor.

It was then when Isagi, whom he secretly competed with, got a weapon called, 'Direct Shot'. Naruhaya's eyes were drawn to it. It was magnificent, compared to Naruhaya's pathetic weapon.

The Direct Shot's greatness was in his head all the time. In jealousy, Naruhaya began to compare it with his own weapon and decided that, with that weapon in his hand, he would become better than Isagi.

In a futile effort to comfort himself.

Unfortunately, that kind of thinking made things worse for Naruhaya.

Every time I look at you, my heart ached.

My jealousy was eating my heart.

Even after the sound signaled the start of another round of ball stealing, Naruhaya did not get up.

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