Chapter two.

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After that 'shopping trip' and I say it like that because it was in fact the worse decision I've made.

Nala lets be real with ourselves you've made by far way worse decisions.

While that was true this it still was a bad time.  my mom took me on more then just a shopping trip she made me get a whole bunch of a new clothes, my nails,toes,and way to much jewelry.

I remember her words as clear as day. "Nala your choice of clothes are ugly so let's try a new style!"...

Ok that's not what she said.. like at all but that's what I heard.

Because I hated the idea of saying no to her every time she asked me to try on a peace of clothing I said yes & because she thought it looked perfect against my brown skin she paid for  it.

You see my parents are well off. They're wealthy. My dad being a Neurosurgeon and my mom being a Anonymous but a very popular author. They had money.

My mom and dad made sure I knew that, they never understood why some parents with money made their kids live the way they did just because they went threw a struggle growing up, why make your kids suffer.

My mom and dad struggled a lot growing up and when they made it I mean they made it. After I was born my  mom and dad got me anything I wanted anything I desired(expect for a damn love life) but they made sure I was grateful and that I understood that people are not the same as me and to always give back if you could.

Although I didn't ask for much growing up I was always grateful for them.

After carrying everything to my room I threw the bags of clothes jewelry and whatever else is in the bag in a corner of my room deciding to put it up later.

Nala you are not doing that anytime soon.

I'm really not but it didn't hurt to be delusional.
Taking a quick shower and changing  into more comfortable clothes I got into bed deciding to just fall asleep for the rest of the night.

After all the fucked up place this world calls school is opening bright and early tomorrow!

I'm going to end my life before the night is over with

I swear.

𝓜𝔂 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓝𝓪𝓵𝓪|18+Where stories live. Discover now