Chapter eight.

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Walking into the fucked up building that I hate with everything inside of me.

Do you mean school Nala?

Yes I mean school. I hate being here I'll rather be my bed watching movies,painting or with simba.

But I guess I have to get a education.

Plus it's not so bad considering you have a class with a certain boy.

Sighing and walking into the first class of the day I walk all the way to the back of the class where I sat with Ares on the first day of school.

Today I decided on a simple outfit which was black sweats and a cream crop top. Unfortunately I woke up late so I didn't have time for make up or my hair. So I decided to just put my curls in a ponytail and a black scarf on top. I mean I looked decent.

I mean if you say so..

After maybe thirty minutes of our teacher talking about some class work assignments (I stopped listening like twenty minutes ago) I see the familiar black haired boy walk into class.

He mumbled a "sorry" to our teacher for being late before walking to our seats. He looked so tired, he had black circles underneath his eyes, his hair was so messy. He had on the same clothes that he wore at my house before I made him change.

Had he not slept last night? Had he eaten anything? Was he ok? He didn't look ok.

You're worried about him. I thought you wouldn't do that again.

But I can't help it. He looked horrible I mean he was still so handsome but he didn't look ok.

"Are you ok?" I asked him straight out. He didn't even say anything he just nodded and put his head down.

"Remember children your project is due Friday! Don't forget." Our teacher reminded us.

Shortly after the lunch bell rang. I got up after Ares following him into the lunch room and to our seats.

"Have you ate today?" I questioned him. He shook his head still not talking to me. What was his issue? I was just trying to be nice. See this is what I mean when I say 'I can't do this to myself again' because I'm getting attached.

Deciding to just leave him alone and just head to my next class early. I didn't want to push him. The day was Almost over anyway.

Walking out of the cafeteria I see a lot of student hanging around the halls.

Quickly putting in my earphone and walking to my next class. The day was almost over I kept reminding myself.


I soon realized me and Ares had our last two periods together. Even though we weren't talking. He refused to sit any where else. Any time another boy would try to sit next to me he would tell them to move.

See this is what I don't get one minute he's ignoring me and the next he's acting all territorial over me as if I was his.

I was so confused.

Are you going to cry? Please don't cry.

I am not going cry.

Oh my God you are totally going to cry.

Why am I even taking this personal, everything isn't personal. But I'm sensitive I hate when people start acting strange without explanation. But he doesn't owe me anything, I'm not his girlfriend. Hell I'm not even his friend.

Hearing the ringing of the last bell of the day. I quickly get my keys out and walk to my car. Getting in and speeding home, I just wanted to get home plus it's been raining a lot lately. I don't drive in the rain or at night ever, and I never will again.

My parents Still weren't home. I didn't mind though I actually like being alone sometimes. I can cook for myself. I can walk around the house blasting music. I can clean the house without my mom constantly telling me.

My mama was away on a business trip to talk about some of her book deals. While my father was traveling to another hospital across country to preform a brain surgery. So for the next few days it was just me and simba.

Walking up to my room I see the painting I had started a while ago, a while ago being when Ares was here.

I put it away in my closet before changing into shorts and a shirt it's raining now.

I chose to just sit in quiet listening to the sounds outside and think to myself.

I think a lot. I'm a over thinker. I hate over thinking. Over thinking sucks. I drown in my thoughts, and I'll go back to a certain place I try so hard to stay out of a place I fought so hard to get out of.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my window.

Am I going to die tonight?

Relax Nala you're not going to die I'm sure it's nothing.

But I hear it again. Looking over at my window I see a man with black hair. Getting up and grabbing my pink baseball bat, my father got it for me when I was still playing baseball.

Walking and opening the window. The base ball falls out of my hand onto the floor.

Pulling the boy into my room by his shirt. It was soaked so was his hair.

"I didn't have anywhere else to go Nala." He broke down, falling on his knees in front of me.

"What do you mean? Why couldn't you go home?" I pleaded with him to tell me. But he didn't he just cried in my arms. Breaking down and I couldn't say anything.

I didn't know what to say, so I just held him in my arms as he cried to me.

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