Chapter three.

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God I hate school. Its so boring. I mean don't get me wrong I'm not a fucking dumbass so it's not necessarily hard but oh God how I lack the motivation.

With my mama always drinking, it puts a lot of stress on my heart, body and mind. So what more to deal with it then smoke all my pain and suffering away with weed?

I'm literally never in the right state of mind as soon as my high leaves my body everything goes back to my shit show of a life leaving me to drown in a ocean of thoughts and tears.

So every time it wears off I smoke again and again letting smoke cloud my space and the substance cloud my mind and lungs for hours.

My mom is rarely home and when she is, it's always yelling, throwing things at me, drinking, and bringing men in and out of the house.

So I hate being here and I hate feeling. Because my mom raised me with the mindset 'You're a man stop crying' so I never showed normal emotions around her or anyone unless it's anger . I bottled everything up and kept to myself.

I don't pay anyone attention really to the people around me . Girls find me attractive I pay them no attention like at all. Not to be a dick. (I am being a dick) but the girls at my school don't stand out to me. They sleep around with every and any dude that will drop their pants.  But by all means please bend over for whoever I genuinely don't give a shit. It's just not for me.

Plus a big thing is that they all look the same they all act the same. They all have that mean bitch attitude they're all ignorant.  I hate it. So I simply attend school floating on clouds and go home.

Putting on some sweats and a hoodie I open the door and leave. Sighing to myself as I look at my horrible excuse of a mother on the couch liquor bottles everywhere.

I take out the brown rolling paper and fill it with the green plant,light it and smoke it all away. Feeling the smoke cloud my lungs burning them.

After I smoke away all my thought I head to school feeling the high take over my body.


Sighing and sitting in my seat all the way in the back of the class. I mentally groan to myself. It's the first day of school which means new students. More homework. More idiots. More fucking people.

As everyone walks in sitting down no one sitting next to me leaving me alone thank fuck.

Mr.Gordon introduces himself to the class of teenagers. I zone out just staring at my desk. Until a knock interrupts my thought.

I slowly look up to a beautiful brown skin girl walking in the class room. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her pumped two tone lips moved as she talked to the teacher. They where coated with a clear lip gloss beautiful.

She was perfect. She wore a long black maxi skirt that hugged her curves in all the right places. The top was a simple cropped black tank top. Around her neck was pretty pieces of Gold jewelry and crystals bringing out her skin. Her arms had exactly 3 bracelets on each. Her fingers filled with gold rings and long blush pink acrylic nails and her hair. God her hair it was beautiful.

My breath got caught In my throat . She was breath taking.

"Sit where ever you like Nala." The teacher told her looking back down at his desk.

She walked all the way to the back. All eyes was on her. She walked over towards me sitting beside me.
She gave me a quick wave before looking at her phone.

I was trying so hard to stop staring at her. I probably look like a fucking creep.

You do at least talk to her dumbass.

"I'm Ares" I said making eye contact. Her eyes where beautiful.

She looked over to me staring at me for a moment before telling me her name. Her voice was heaven sent.

I was fascinated by her beauty. She was perfect I needed her to be mine.

Mine only.

Call me crazy whatever but if you would've seen this girl you would say the same thing.

"Ok students here is your first assignment. You will get to know the person sitting next to you. After a week  you will type up an essay explaining this person and their habits . Afterwards the person will grade your paper. Good luck and pay attention ." Mr. Gordon said with the ring of the bell.

𝓜𝔂 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵 𝓝𝓪𝓵𝓪|18+Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora