Page 3 - Where home starts

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I chuckle, Row looks at me. Then he looks at my head smiles and he walks over to a bag, he grabs a hand full of something and puts it on my head." Why?"I ask. "Silly little bird." He responds, I realize that my bird was on my head and Row put bird seed on my head." Oh I forgot he was up there"I say while the bird pecks the bird seed from my hair. "SILLY BIRD!!!"Row yells ."His name is Bobert" Row laughs at the name of my bird,

Bobert tweets and then Row looks at the top of my head staring at the bird on top of my head. "What did you just say to me you *BEEP*"Row says at my bird. I smile under my scarf making sure to it keep up to hide my facial expression. "I can tell when you smile. "He says as he stares at me with a soft smile, even though his face is demented but the smile stuck out quite a lot of comfort weirdly. "That's kinda creepy but comforting at the same time?" I respond to Row. "I'll try not to take offense from that." I decided to unpack a few of my things from my backpack, I take off my backpack and start taking stuff out of it.

I take out my phone and place it on the desk Row put near my bed, as I start taking things out I see... My plushie my mom got me, I hold it up and stare at it."Is that a *beeping* rat?!"Row says as he sneaks behind me "No it's not a rat- It's a dragon dummy. "I say to Row. "Coulda fooled me."As me and Row bonded over how were going to decorate my room tomorrow and how we're going to get food that's actually edible the sun goes down. As I yawned Row heads over to his room for the night."Goodnight Duck" He says in a tired voice. "Night"

I head over to my bed and lay down, it's been so long since I've actually slept somewhere comfortable I've always slept in a corner for two years which is probably not good for my back now that I think of it... As I slowly drifted off to sleep I heard something crash but I was too tired to check it out guess that will have to be tomorrow adventure

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