Page 5 - Gun >:)

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As I wake up I feel a peck on my face, Bobert is pecking my face? "What do you need Bobert?" I ask. Bobert looks over at the living room and coos. I get up and walk towards the living room still in my PJs. I see Row trying to eat bird seed while Temmies daring him to eat it. "Temmie you've been here for a week and you are already trying to get Row to eat non edible things?" I say. "Yes! I heard it's good on protein." Temmie chuckles. I sigh and smack the bird seed out of Row's hand. "Aww I wanted that!" Row whined. "You're the reason I'm going to crack one day." I respond.

"Damn, violent much?"

"Well I would be sleeping right now if I didn't get rudely awakened from someone TRYING TO EAT BIRD SEED!"

"Calm down, wouldn't have killed me unfortunately."

"I'm going to make breakfast, I'll get your cereal and Temmies basic pancakes I swear one day imma put soy sauce in them."

"YOU BETTER NOT YOU KNOW I HATE SOY SAUCE!" Temmie yells and I ignore them and go in the little kitchen we made. I pour cereal and milk into Row's favorite bowl.

"ROW COME GET YOU ONLY SUGAR CEREAL!" I shout out of the kitchen

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"ROW COME GET YOU ONLY SUGAR CEREAL!" I shout out of the kitchen. Row comes in and grabs the cereal as I mix the batter for Temmie's pancakes. Row walks out eating the cereal and I heat up the stove. As I wait for the stove to heat up I put a slice of butter in the pan so the pancakes don't stick while I'm cooking them. "TEMMIE HOW MANY PANCAKES DO YOU WANT?!" I yell asking Temmie. "TWO IS FINE THANK YOU!" Temmie responded. I pour the batter in the pan in a disordered circle and wait for it to be cooked, at least till it's edible.

I flip the pancake and wait a couple minutes till it's finished, I scoop up the pancake and put it on the plate and pour the batter again for another pancake. After it is finished I cut up a banana and put it on the pancakes. I bring the plate out and give it to Temmie. He smiles. "Thank's duck." Temmie says. I nod and eat my lucky charms but with only the brown ones since Row picked out all the marshmallows, I don't really mind though I like these ones better. I finish my lucky charms and get dressed. I put on my black hoodie, ripped jeans that are oversized,

and my classic red scarf that covers my mouth. I walk out into the living room and sit on the gaming chair. Row's eating sprinkles, and Temmies petting one of Row's cats. Wait....



Row runs off, I sigh and put on my shoes and drag Temmie to chase after Row. After a couple minutes of chasing Row he ran in a broken down arcade and started playing one of the few games that work. Me and Temmie start rambling about random things as Row played on the arcade machines, After about 20 minutes Temmie joined Row in the arcade games and Bobert alerted me about something? "What's wrong Bobert?" I ask. He brings me to a nearby store and shows me a bird seed bag. "Oh I guess we do need more bird seed, I'll grab it once we leave alrig-" A noise of something breaking interrupts me. I walk towards the noise with my dagger out, I peek around the corner to see two zombies messing with something?

I stab one of the zombies in the head making the other one alerted. I kick the zombie in the gut and stab it in the head, I look what they were messing with and.... IT'S A YELLOW SNIPER RIFLE! Oh hell yeah! I grab it and put it in my backpack, I grab the bag of bird seed and swing it around my back assuming Row has it least calmed down a bit after eating all those sprinkles. I hope... I walk back into the arcade and Row and Temmie are racing on one of the arcade machines. I sit the bird seed next to the door so I don't forget it. "You'll never be enough."  A few hours go by, everyone plays arcade games that don't work very well. But soon it turns dark and we head back to the Walmart everyone resting after a long day.

(Fun facts:
(I finished this at 4:00 in the morning when I meant to wake up early
(I almost swore in one of these sentences)

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