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mentions of suicide

"So, how are we gonna do this" I questioned. Me and Suitcase were at the kitchen counter that is also used for eating, Paper is taking care of Bot and OJ is aware of this, since Paper suggested to tell the owner of the hotel so that it would be easier to hide Bot.

After finishing my bacon and eggs I put my dish away in the sink. I hear people talking and eating in the living room. Since no one goes to the diner room after what happened I shiver at the thought but that's the reason I'm here with Suitcase. Thinking of Suitcase I go to the counter where she was still eating but by looking at the plate she was almost done. After waiting for Suitcase to put away her plate she led mee to the garden.

The garden was taken care by Bomb since he has a passion for plants. The sun was gleaming and the wind was flowing, as me and Suitcase walked through the stoned path I spoke up.

"So why are we at the outside garden?"

"For this"

She went behind a pile of flowers careful of not harming them as I hid in the same pile next to her as well.

"I sometimes go here just to get my mind off things, but I noticed that I'm not the only one."

She looked at me putting a finger to her lips
Telling to be quiet.

As we waited we heard foot steps I watched as this mysterious person walks up to the fountain and starts...



After playing some board games with Bot we begin to settle down it still a bit weird that she looks like Bow but we can find some way around that.

"Hey Paper"

"Hmm" Turing my full attention to this little one seeing that she looked scared and panicked.

"Are you ok Bot"

"I don't feel like a she"



Bot looked at my with nervous eyes and saying that's it's nothing but I know something is wrong I have to tell her. "Bot."

"Um yea" she looked like she was gonna bust she looked so nervous poor thing.

"What did you say about not wanting to be a she"

She? Sighed and looked at me with a defeated look. "I... I don't want to be a she"

I'm surprised but not disappointed, Bot doesn't want to be a she.

"If I may ask when did this happen?"

"At the start I didn't feel like my body is.... My own"

"Then what do you wanna be?"

Bot thought for a minute looked around and then at me.

"I don't feel like a he so what am I?"

I've seen this many times but even I was nervous as well.

"How about a they?" I suggested

"So when you're a they you are neither a he or she?" Bot asked "yup" I answered. Bot looked at me with the sweetest smile and nodded their head rapidly.

"Is that a yes?"


The singing was like a soft melody ringing through my ears. The voice was loud and bold but still maintained some calmness I couldn't make out who it was and I wasn't going to peak out the bushes or we'd be caught.

After the singing ended all we heard was the water falling and splashing down the fountain followed by an applause. I look up to see Suitcase standing up and clapping. I also stand up to see who was behind this it was none other than Mic.

"That was great!" Suitcase squealed at a confused and flustered Microphone.

"Fan, Suitcase what are you doing here?" Microphone said still confused of the current situation.

"Me and Fan are looking for recruits, we need to slove a mystery."

She immediately understood "Ohh her but why?"

"We just don't think it was... A suicide." Suitcase looked at me worried she might've upset me. Yeah she did a bit but that wasn't gonna make me mad. I gave her a reassuring smile to keep going. She smiled back then continued "we just need to find the truth and since you can hear things from far away I think you can help us!"

Microphone looked at us for a solid minute then replied "Yeah sure!" "Thanks Mic" Suitcase said happy with her answer "Shouldn't we have a hideout?" I questioned everyone needs a hideout somewhere "hmm maybe the break room since not that many people come there in the first place." Suitcase suggested.

"Maybe we can tell OJ" Mic announced waiting for a response.

"Yeah and get Paper on our side!" I said since Paper already knows our little group and is ok with it.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Suitcase squeaked

"When will we meet?"

"Tomorrow at dawn"



After we had that arrangement me and Suitcase went to the Lab.

"Thanks for taking care of Bot for me." I trust Paper, he is nice and caring but has a lot of work on his hands so he wouldn't be on our team we wouldn't want him to overwork.

"Your welcome Fan! Oh and Bot has something really important to show you." Hmm I wonder what it is?

Bot came up with a paper in her hands as well as the biggest smile I have ever seen she then gave me a paper that had been drawn and written over by crayons. It has a picture of her with butterfly wings, and a new dash of clothing on her as well as some cake with me, Paper, and Suitcase in the corner. And lastly the words they/them in the bottom left corner.

So she wasn't a she.

She was a they.

I looked at them with tears prickling the corner of my eyes and hugged them.

"I'm so proud of you" I said as I felt Bot hug me back.


Yay! A new chapter so happy
Finally Bot is now a they I loved writing that part!

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