Gonzo Rivers

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Gonzo Rivers

Robb's POV

*The night before*

I paced back and forth in my room. Debating on if I should go and see Alana in the garden tonight or not. Robert was dead as can be meaning King's Landing would be safe for my return if I really wanted to go back.

But it wasn't me who wanted to return so badly. It was my brother, Jon, who was eager to return home. With the word of Mother passing he went nearly insane. A dark look appearing into his eyes... I knew that meant my brother wanted revenge on whoever did this to her.

Jon never wanted to believe that our father was capable of such things but each time I remind him that our father was a war hero not once but twice- he doesn't want to believe it. He shuts me out and I'm tired of it.

Tired of everything if I must be honest.

Tired of being shut out by not just Jon but everyone else around me, especially Alana. I'm tired of Jaime fully believing that he is my son's father and I'm ever so fucking tired of the fact that Alana and I can't be together. I'm fucking tired.

Knowing that Cersei and my father are truly in love... So in love they created Jon and the other three children all in secret... It made my skin crawl but at the same time as I looked at myself in the mirror I could see myself as my father.

All my life I was told I favored my mother and the Tully family. Auburn hair and blue eyes. Tall and brawny. Smart and good at problem solving.

Right now my reflection only shows Stark.

Ned Stark.

My heart ached as my stomach twisted into a knot. I grunted with pain as I stared myself in the eyes. I love a woman that I cannot be with just as my father loves Cersei Lannister and couldn't be with her. They had Jon in secret and he was forced to raise the child and say the mother was just a common whore who died on the birthing bed.

Alana had to lie and say our son was the son of Jaime Lannister which just makes it all that much more awful and sickening. Our son who was starting to look more like me as each day passes by.

I suppose it's a good thing that Robert never laid his eyes on Jace, he'd know within seconds that he is my son and not Jaime's. I only wish my mother could have held my boy in her arms, she would have loved him more than anything... Perhaps even more than she loved Jon. Which shouldn't bother me, I should be happy that my bastard brother was loved by my mother... But why did she have to love him more than she ever loved me? More than she ever loved my sisters or my brothers? It didn't seem right. Even now it doesn't seem right that Jon is grieving the loss of Mother more than I am.

Right now I'm just numb...

And tired.

So. Fucking. Tired.

I played back in my head a conversation I had just a few weeks ago with Lady Olenna Tyrell when she came to my chambers to speak with me before dinner. She pushed for me to be closer to Alana to make things right and to prove to her that I really do want her and want our child. I've been trying but Alana just pushes me away... I'm at the end of my ropes here and she doesn't even realize what she's doing to me.

As I pace back and forth again biting my nails I hear a knock on my door. My head jolts up and my legs freeze. I stare at my door as it slowly crept open. Creaking as the dark from the hallway leaks into my candlelit room.

BLIZZARD: Ours Is the Fury VOL 5 (ROBB STARK X OC) *COMPLETE*Where stories live. Discover now