Blue Exorcist OC Idea

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Name: Shiki Kurosaki



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Age: 16

Race: Human (Quincy)

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160 Lbs

Abilities: Heilig Bogen (Shiki's Spirit Weapon, a bow that can fire arrows made of Spirit Energy; He's capable of creating a miniature version that's the same size as a handgun, which retains the same force and power as its normal version; Can also be used to block attacks; Can fire up to 1200 Arrows consecutively, as well as fire hundreds of them all at once), Heilig Pfeil (A standard Spirit Weapon for Quincy that takes the form of arrows and deal increased damage to Demons; He can control the trajectory of these Arrows, even after they've been fired, which combined with his accuracy makes them difficult to evade), Klavier (Shiki fires a multitude of Heilig Pfeil arrows with one hand at high speeds), Licht Regen (Shiki fires a large volley of Heilig Pfeil at high speeds, which is capable of exorcising a massive amount of low level Demons almost instantaneously), Hirenkyaku Expert (Hirenkyaku is an advanced Quincy movement technique, which allows the user to move at high speeds by riding on the flow of Spirit Energy created below their feet; Shiki can use this technique in rapid succession and utilize a variation of it to create a platform of Spirit Energy under his feet), Ransōtengai (A high level Quincy technique which allows the user to control their body parts using strings of Spirit Energy controlled by their brain; Using this technique, the Quincy can control their body like a marionette, allowing them to move freely despite paralysis, broken limbs, or any other force which would impede normal movement), Blut (An advanced Quincy technique that involves making Spirit Energy flow through the user's veins to drastically increase their attack and defense power to inhuman levels; Due to Blut Arterie and Vene operating using two different Spirit Energy systems, they cannot be employed simultaneously; Blut Arterie: The offensive form of Blut which grants the user inhuman offensive power; Blut Vene: The defensive form of Blut, which grants the user inhuman durability, and can also be used to prevent blood loss), Antithesis (Shiki's Schrift, or unique ability, which allows him to designate any two targets and completely reverse anything that has already occurred between the two of them, for example, if Shiki were to be greatly injured while fighting an opponent, he could reverse what occurred between himself and his enemy, simultaneously healing himself while grievously wounding his opponent; During Quincy: Vollständig, Antithesis can be used on multiple targets at once, greatly increasing its effectiveness), Quincy Vollständig (The ultimate technique of the Quincy, which grants the users complete dominance over Spirit Energy, greatly augmenting their ability to absorb it; Users can utilize the Spirit Energy Wings created by the technique for high-speed flight; Enhances the user's Schrift greatly while in use; Enhances the user's ability to sense Spirit Energy), Master Archer (Shiki can fire his arrows with pinpoint precision, to the point where they can negate another attack on impact), Expert Swordsman, Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Great Spirit Energy (As a Quincy, Shiki naturally possesses vast amounts of Spiritual Power, with his own reserves being noted to be exceptionally large even by Quincy standards), Spirit Energy Manipulation (As a Quincy, he primarily absorbs Spirit Energy from the atmosphere by, and combines it with his own Spirit Energy to form weapons), Excellent Intellect & Athleticism (Aside from his Quincy powers, Shiki is well-trained in both body and mind, having substantial athletic abilities and a genius intellect; He uses his intelligence to find weak points in his opponents, even overcoming disadvantages he has through thinking on his feet), Spectral Awareness (As a Quincy, Shiki was born able to perceive Demons; He can sense the location and strength of others through their Spirit Energy from a significant distance)

Equipment: Quincy Cross (Shiki's pentacle Quincy Cross, which serves as the source of his power and grows as he does, acting as a focus for Heilig Bogen), Seele Schneider (Thin sword-like weapons that can be fired similarly to an arrow, Seele Schneider are weapons that act much like a chainsaw, with Spirit Energy making 3 million round trips per second around the edge of the blade, however, the vibrations of the Seele Schneider are not just for cutting, as through them, they loosen the bonds between the Spirit Energy of whatever they cut to make it easier to capture, allowing them to be used to collect Spirit Energy during combat by absorbing an opponent's attacks, therefore, the more Spirit Energy an opponent uses, the more powerful the Quincy wielding them becomes; Shiki owns a set of five), Quincy Combat Uniform (A set of Quincy clothes designed for combat, possessing great durability and the ability to be repaired and cleaned using Spirit Energy)

Backstory: Shiki is a Quincy and a student of True Cross Academy training to become an Exorcist.

Trivia: He has described the Quincy as being the opposite existence of Demons, and added that they naturally evolved specifically to be capable of destroying them. He always has his Quincy Cross on him. His most common strategy is to attack opponents with a hail of arrows, in a process that his classmates have compared to bug spray, much to his chagrin. When confronted with other archers, he typically proclaims himself as the superior archer and tells them to get on his level, even going out of his way to demonstrate his skills. He finds Izumo's eyebrows and facial expressions cute. His Meisters are Knight and Dragoon. He always seems serene and apathetic towards others, even while deeply conflicted, and is notably calm, even in battle. He generally acts indifferent, bordering on arrogance, to most situations he is faced with, and rarely views his opponent as being worth his time. He is very perceptive, fully aware of the limits of his abilities, and anything he states in comparison to an opponent is usually justified. He is greatly annoyed by having to repeat himself, as he believes it means his conversational partner is stupid. Due to its nature, he prefers to use his Schrift as a trump card.

Occupation: Student, Exorcist, Exwire

Affiliations: True Cross Academy, Exorcist Cram School

Love Interest: Izumo Kamiki

Love Interest: Izumo Kamiki

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