Dr. Stone OC Idea

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Name: Byakko


Birthday: January 22nd, 5723

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Birthday: January 22nd, 5723

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 159 Lbs

Abilities: Superhuman Physiology (Due to his brain's lack of restrictions on his muscles allowing him to exert 100% of his body's muscular strength at maximum capacity, Byakko possesses superhuman strength and endurance, and is strong enough to be able to chase after a motor vehicle while continuously kicking a large boulder as if it was a soccer ball, as well as toss large trees across the equivalent of city blocks, and was even capable of lifting a large boulder completely off the ground as a child; Although he was chronically injuring himself as a child because of this raw power, over time, his body adapted to it, and by the time he was 13, his muscles' build, flexibility and definition had all developed to perfection, granting a completely unbreakable skeletal system and a completely indestructible musculoskeletal system, allowing him to use his power without damaging his body or causing any harm to himself, additionally, this drastically increased his durability, to the point that even if he's shot multiple times at point blank range, the bullets would simply become embedded in his skin, being unable to pierce his muscles; While not something he typically does, he possesses enough control over his strength to constantly limit it to normal Human levels without issue; He has been noted to possess extraordinary kinetic vision, allowing him to clearly see the "flow of power" in his opponents, as well as an equally extraordinary sense of hearing; He is capable of blocking out the surrounding noise while fighting with the exception of his opponents; He's capable of neutralizing his sensitivity to physical pain, allowing him to continue fighting and ignore injuries, in addition to healing at a fast rate without sustaining scars or permanent damage, even from serious injuries; Byakko is extremely flexible, to the point where he can bend backward so far that his head reaches between his feet, he's also capable of dislocating his arms to increase his reach, as well as dislocating any of his joints at will, this flexibility even extends to his internal organs, allowing him to shift their position to avoid a fatal attack), Indomitable Will (Byakko possesses an incredible and undaunted will and spirit, never faltering and remaining steadfast and courageous in the face of any foe, to the point where it occasionally endangers him), Poison Resistance (Due to his frequent hunting from a young age he is greatly resistant to poison, as a result of often eating many poisonous things), Keen Intellect (Despite often playing the fool, Byakko is an incredibly intelligent and observant person, being capable using his intelligence to find weak points in his opponents, even overcoming disadvantages he has through thinking on his fee), Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Byakko is highly proficient in fighting Hand-to-Hand, and, with his strength, is capable of easily defeating large groups of opponents barehanded), Skilled Hunter (Byakko is an accomplished hunter, being capable of tracking anything through the faintest of tracks), Enhanced Instincts (He has an incredibly well developed sense of Instinct allowing him to process the world in the most advanced and efficient manner possible to find the most efficient and practical solutions to any kind of problems that he faces, using both logical and illogical sense and strategies)

Backstory: Byakko is a resident of Ishigami Village and it's strongest warrior.

Trivia: His love for Kohaku originally started as admiration for her strength and control over it, due to him constantly hurting himself with his own power. He's the only one that Kohaku allows to call her a Lioness, as he always means it as a compliment. He finds Kohaku so attractive because of her strength and beauty, and has unsuccessfully proposed to her 999 times since they turned 14, with the 1000th attempt occurring when she tried to bring Senku into Ishigami Village. Because of his feelings towards Kohaku, several individuals have comically questioned his sanity and tastes. Kohaku finally agreed to marry him when he proposed after the Kingdom of Science defeated the Tsukasa Empire, with that particular proposal being the 1500th. He considers the number of times he's proposed to Kohaku to be proof of his resolve and how strong his feelings for her are. His hobby is basking in the sun. He likes all dairy products and sweet things, but dislikes beer and anything bitter. Upon witnessing his strength during their first meeting, Tsukasa declared him an even more monstrous person than himself. As a child he was lonely because he was worried about hurting others with his immense strength. As a result of his inability to hold back, both mentally and physically, he's adopted a mentality of never holding back, regardless of injuries or destruction. He's been noted to act like a delinquent by many people. His power has been described as the naturally unlimited form of Human strength and endurance. He's infamous throughout Ishigami Village, due to his explosive temper and monstrous strength. Despite his temper and attitude, or perhaps because of them, he's incredibly popular with women. Kohaku is the only person capable of calming him down when he's enraged.

Occupation: Power Team (Defense Division)

Affiliations: Ishigami Village, Kingdom of Science

Love Interest: Kohaku

Love Interest: Kohaku

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