Dan Vs. OC Idea

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Name: Adam Drake



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Age: 25

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 170 Lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

Abilities: Telekinesis (He can manipulate matter and objects with his mind, being capable of easily moving immensely heavy objects, pinning an entire crowd to a ceiling, creating force fields, flying, augmenting his physical abilities to superhuman levels, as well as disassembling matter and reconstructing it on a molecular level, and possessing enough control to use it for mundane tasks, such as writing something down or doing chores), Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Adam is highly proficient at hand-to-hand combat and is capable of easily defeating multiple opponents while completely unarmed), Excellent Intellect & Athleticism (Aside from his powers, Adam is well-trained in both body and mind, having substantial athletic abilities and a genius intellect; He uses his intelligence to find weak points in his opponents, even overcoming disadvantages he has through thinking on his feet), Medical Knowledge (Having graduated medical school and become a doctor, Adam is well-versed in medicine), Enhanced Healing (Adam heals at a fast rate without sustaining scars or permanent damage, even from serious injuries)

Backstory: Adam is Best Friends with Dan and Chris, having met and befriended them both at Camp Atrocious, and a Doctor at St. Larry's Hospital.

Trivia: He is one of the few people, aside from Dan, that Mr. Mumbles likes. He has a notoriously dark sense of humor. He gives Dan free check-ups and treatments in exchange for him not breaking into his home or bothering him at night and had him sign a legally binding contract detailing such. As a child, he had trouble making friends because of his Telekinesis and sense of humor. He is popular with women, although he occasionally finds it annoying. He lives in a large loft apartment building that he bought, which is solar-powered. He is quite wealthy due to several successful investments he made in college, and has already paid off his student debts. He is aware that Elise is a secret agent, and doesn't tell others because it's her secret to share. Adam met Loona by saving her from a mugger using his Telekinesis and they started dating shortly afterward, eventually living together by the time Dan declared revenge on New Mexico. Dan gets along with Loona due to both of them disliking most people and being abrasive, and because of this is supportive of Adam's relationship with her, in stark contrast to his views on Chris and Elise's relationship. Loona told him she had Syphilis on their first date as a joke. He often plays "Would You Rather" with his friends. He once punched Elise's father after he insulted Loona, and threatened to do so again, only harder, if he ever insulted her again. He has a lot of useful contacts that he's acquired throughout his life. He finds Loona's feistiness attractive. To convince Dan to get a Computer, he told him that he could use it to spy on his enemies from the comfort of his apartment, as well as anonymously start irrational arguments with complete strangers about why their beliefs are wrong and they're total idiots. Dan typically takes him more seriously than Chris, and usually trusts his feedback and advice.

Occupation: Doctor

Affiliations: St. Larry's Hospital

Girlfriend: Loona

Girlfriend: Loona

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