Star Trek: Lower Decks OC Idea

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Name: Adam Drake


Age: 25 (2380)

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Age: 25 (2380)

Race: Osmosian-Human Hybrid

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 170 Lbs

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

Abilities: Osmosian Physiology (Adam has the ability to absorb the matter of anything, excluding certain materials, through his body at will and utilize it in various ways; Adam can absorb solid materials, coating himself in the substance which allows him to take on its properties; He will proportionally increase in physical strength and durability to whatever he absorbed; Adam is able to absorb multiple materials at once; He also has the ability to temporarily apply a coating of whatever material he has absorbed at the time to other people; Depending on the amount of the absorbed material Adam has available, and how he distributes it, he can either coat his body, or part of it, in the material as a second skin like armor, or completely convert his body, or part of it, into a living version of the material; The amount that Adam requires depends on the density of the material; Adam is able to absorb the materialistic properties of living beings; Adam cannot absorb enough matter from small objects to coat himself completely, and to do so he would need a sample approximate to him in size; While Adam can absorb all sorts of compatible matter, he cannot take too much of it; The material Adam absorbs can put him at a disadvantage, for example, absorbing metal makes him vulnerable to electricity, whereas absorbing wood makes him vulnerable to fire; Adam can also absorb liquids, and when he does he gains the properties of that liquid, for example if Adam absorbs mud, objects will pass through him without causing physical damage; He can even absorb bubblegum and fire; If Adam absorbs an elastic material, he can "sort of" stretch; While using absorbed matter, Adam can reshape his body into various shapes, which he does frequently with his hands, making swords, maces, and hammers; Adam can repair objects of the current material he has absorbed either by turning it into a liquid form or releasing a liquid version of whatever material he has absorbed; He can partially merge with the actual matter and manipulate the substance's form; Adam can easily pick locks, using his powers to absorb the material of the lock, then form his finger into a key; Even when not absorbing matter, Adam is strong enough to throw several people with little strain; Attacks that would normally severely injure a human only cause moderate discomfort for Adam; Adam heals at a fast rate without sustaining scars or permanent damage, even from serious injuries), Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Adam is exceptionally skilled at Hand-to-Hand combat, combining his skills with his Osmosian abilities to a devastating degree, and being capable easily defeating large numbers of enemies), Expert Marksman, Excellent Intellect & Athleticism (Aside from his powers, Adam is well-trained in both body and mind, having substantial athletic abilities and a keen intellect; He uses his intelligence to find weak points in his opponents, even overcoming disadvantages he has through thinking on his feet), Medical Knowledge (Having taken extra curricular medical training during his time in the academy, Adam is capable of performing basic first aid), Expert Mechanic and Engineer (He's an incredibly gifted Engineer and Mechanic and took extra curricular classes for them in the academy), Expert Gambler (Adam is a highly skilled gambler, having learned during his colony days, and is a master in cheating without getting caught), Master Lover

Backstory: Adam is a Security Officer that was assigned to the USS Cerritos at the same time as fellow Ensign D'Vana Tendi.

Trivia: He often plays "Would You Rather" with his friends. He was born and raised in a lunar colony. He is extremely good with animals, being able to bond with them with little to no effort. He's very popular with women, especially Klingon women, although he occasionally finds it annoying. He's familiar with several Klingon Mating Rituals, having experienced them firsthand. He's slept with and dated a variety of "Alien" women. He dated a Q named Verdona for a while before he entered the Academy, and she was his first sexual partner, additionally, they remained good friends even after breaking up, with her occasionally visiting him in the Academy and later on the Cerritos. He has a lot of useful contacts. He once met Spock and got to take a picture with him, which he later framed. Tendi developed a crush on him fairly quickly after getting to know each other, secretly referring to him as scrumptious and calling his body tight. He passed the "Smorgasborg" Combat Simulation upon being assigned to Security, which greatly impressed Shaxs. He enjoys Lieutenant Shaxs' company, calling him a treasure, and often finds his stories hilarious and slightly disturbing. He's quartered in Deck 11, cabin A12005. He has experienced Jamaharon several times, with several different partners. He was aware that The Dog was completely sentient and screwing with everyone but Tendi and helped her plan some pranks. For Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta, he played the role of an Osmosian Warrior named Aggregor. He liked the Orion Pirate outfit that Tendi wore for Crisis Point: The Rise of Vindicta. He got to take a picture with both Captain Riker and Commander Troi after the Titan saved the Cerritos, which he later framed. He started dating Tendi after the Battle of Kalla. When he and Tendi first started dating, he started researching Orion culture in an attempt to better connect with her. While the Cerritos was impounded, he traveled Earth with Tendi and Rutherford. He got to take a picture with Tom Paris when he visited the Cerritos. He started designing and building his own starship upon being assigned to the Cerritos, and he completed it before the Cerritos was impounded for Captain Freeman's trial. He likes smoothies and enjoys experimenting with different flavors. His ideal way of dying is death by sex, or, as it was called in his colony, death by snu-snu. He finds Tendi acting like a pirate sexy, and they occasionally role-play as an Orion Pirate Queen and her First Mate/Paramour or as an Orion Slave Girl and her Liberator. He has a tattoo on his left butt cheek that he got while drunk in his First Year at the Academy.

Occupation: Ensign, Security Officer, USS Cerritos

Affiliations: Federation Starfleet, Operations Division, Bear Pack

Love Interest: D'Vana Tendi

Love Interest: D'Vana Tendi

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(Adam's Tattoo)

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(Adam's Tattoo)

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