Chivalry of a Failed Knight OC Idea

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Name: Akira Ryuugamine



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Age: 17

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 160 Lbs

Abilities: Immense Magic Power (Akira possesses incredibly vast reserves of Magic Power, being comparable to Stella Vermillion), Master Magic Control, Excellent Intellect & Athleticism (Aside from his abilities as a Blazer, Akira is well-trained in both body and mind, having substantial athletic abilities and a keen intellect; He uses his intelligence to find weak points in his opponents, even overcoming disadvantages he has through thinking on his feet), Enhanced Senses (He has been noted to possess extraordinary kinetic vision, allowing him to clearly see the "flow of power" in his opponents, as well as an equally extraordinary sense of hearing; He is capable of blocking out the surrounding noise while fighting with the exception of his opponents), Enhanced Instincts (He has an incredibly well developed sense of Instinct allowing him to process the world in the most advanced and efficient manner possible to find the most efficient and practical solutions to any kind of problems that he faces, using both logical and illogical sense and strategies), Master Swordsman (Akira is a dangerous master swordsman wielding the Yamato with unrivaled precision and versatility, his technique is based on laijutsu, a style of swordsmanship which involves quick, precise draws from the sheathe, striking the opponent, and removing blood from the sword before resheathing, additionally, his laijutsu is made more powerful by incorporating his own Spatial Powers, developing a personalized style called the Dark Slayer; When Yamato is still unsheathed, Akira also often uses the scabbard itself as a weapon, using it for blunt strikes, or to block an enemy's attack; Due to this style, Akira commonly wields Yamato with one hand, holding the scabbard with the other,
however, when necessary he sometimes puts the scabbard away and uses it with both hands; On lesser foes, the speed, precision, and discipline bestowed to him allows him to outpace and utterly cut them down as if akin to an art-form, with great concentration in only splits of a second and issuing a number of blows at his discretion; One of Akira's signature traits is to time his opponent's demise, and sheathe in sync with the damage done, resulting in a display of destruction that slays the opposition before they could even realize it), Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Akira is highly proficient at hand-to-hand combat, using various martial arts techniques, and is capable of easily defeating lesser opponents while completely unarmed), Master Marksman, Spatial Manipulation (Akira's unique ability as a Blazer, which falls under the category of Conceptual Manipulation, and allows him to freely manipulate Space), Infinity (Infinity is basically the ability to "stop", and operates the same way convergent and divergent sequences do in mathematics, with Infinity being the convergence of an immeasurable series, therefore, anything that approaches Infinity slows down and never reaches Akira, due to the technique taking the finite amount of space between the two or more subjects and dividing it an infinite amount of times, slowing down anything that tries to bypass this infinitely divided space to the point of appearing to stop completely; The invisible barrier created by Infinity can be expanded to keep harmful substances away from Akira, or to overpower someone attempting to neutralize the technique; Infinity can only be countered by specialized abilities that can disturb or dispel Magic, or abilities that can affect space, time, fate, or probability), Blue (Blue generates the power to attract by bringing the conceptual impossibility of negative distance into reality, forcing the surrounding space to try and fill in the gap by pulling violently toward the source of the aforementioned impossibility, creating a magnetic-like effect, that, when targeting a person directly, is capable of causing them to implode or crushing their limbs, this effect can also be used on Akira himself to move at high speeds, additionally, by using massive amounts of Magic Power, he can generate strong fields of attraction away from himself; Stronger variations of Blue can be used to target faster moving targets or large areas, but can't create a a wide field of attraction close to Akira himself), Red (Red generates the power to repel, by bringing the the divergence of infinity into reality; This technique manifests as a small red orb that can unleash immense explosive force in an instant, and possesses at least twice the energy output of Blue; It can also be released as a slash from the Yamato, granting it cutting properties, in addition to its normal explosive capabilities), Hollow Purple (Hollow Purple is the combination of Red and Blue, and represents motion and reversal, a fusion of convergence and divergence that collides both infinites to generate an imaginary mass, the resulting effect takes the target out of reality, instantly erasing everything this technique hits without exception), Judgement Cut (Akira attacks with Yamato in an Iaijutsu maneuver in which he draws and swings so fast that Yamato doesn't appear to even leave its sheath, creating a distortion in space that engulfs his target, which is sliced multiple times by the blade in very rapid succession; This ability is also capable of hitting any enemies that are within the rather large distortion radius, as well as simply creating singular spatial slashes that travel towards targets), Almighty Push (Akira creates a "repulsive force", which is generally used to push away everything in the vicinity, additionally, he's capable of narrowing the repulsion's direction, only pushing away things on certain sides so that nearby allies will be unaffected; This ability is commonly used as a defense, repelling nearby opponents or incoming attacks, however, it can also be used to disperse attacks that have already struck him, alternatively, the repulsive force can be created away from him, destroying whatever is at the designated location), Universal Pull (Akira manipulates "attractive force" to pull matter towards him, additionally, the area of effect can be localised, so it is possible to selectively attract a target, or targets, without affecting the object or the structure they're connected to, as well as attract multiple targets at once, causing them to collide with each other), Planetary Devastation (Akira generates a black sphere and launches it into the sky, then, when made active, generates powerful attractive force from it, pulling everything in the vicinity to it until a large satellite is created, with its final size being manipulatable; This technique requires a great deal of Magic Power, and can be exhausting if used repeatedly; Planetary Devastation is primarily used to restrain targets, drawing them in during the satellite's creation and trapping them beneath the mounds of rubble; Because of how difficult it is to escape from Planetary Devastation, the best way to counter it is to destroy the black sphere early on in the formation process, and, in order to penetrate the initial layers of rubble, opponents should use their most powerful attacks, additionally, actually aiming at the black sphere is not really necessary, as all attacks will be pulled towards it; This ability can also be performed without generating the black sphere by gathering rubble or other materials around immobilized targets; The satellites can be used offensively, as large projectiles that are dropped on, or launched at, opponents), Compression Driver (Akira rapidly compresses the space around a specific target until it's reduced to dust), Reflect (Akira can reflect any attack at twice the power and speed by manipulating the space in his immediate vicinity), Teleportation (Akira is capable of teleporting over long distances, but only to places he's been before, as well as instantly switching places with anything in a 10 Meter Radius around himself), Levitation (Akira is capable of moving freely in the air by manipulating the space around his body; He has described this ability as being different from true flight, due to the mechanics behind it), Portal Creation (By distorting space, Akira can create portals for himself and others to travel through, allowing for quick and efficient travel over large distances), Pocket Dimension (Akira can create pocket dimensions that are completely cut off from the outside world, allowing them to be used as a secluded space for all out battles or training to take place without having to worry about causing damage to the surrounding area; He often uses this ability when doing something that requires privacy, as well as a way to trap opponents), Inventory (A simple pocket dimension that Akira uses for storage, allowing him to retrieve its contents at any time, even in combat; He's capable of projecting a holographic inventory screen, which he can use to view and organize the items within this storage dimension), Healing (By manipulating Space, Akira can heal himself and others, and is capable of regenerating limbs, even those that have been reduced to nothing)

Equipment: Yamato (Akira's Device, which takes the form of a Katana, and, combined with his abilities, possesses the potential to cut through anything, even the fabric of space)

Equipment: Yamato (Akira's Device, which takes the form of a Katana, and, combined with his abilities, possesses the potential to cut through anything, even the fabric of space)

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Backstory: Akira is a 3rd Year at Hagun Academy as well as its strongest student.

Trivia: He developed an interest in Ikki after seeing his skills and drive, and has stated that he looks forward to the day when they'll meet in battle. Due to his power to manipulate space, he's constantly aware of everything that occurs within a 10-Meter Radius around him at all times. Against weak opponents, he refuses to use his Device, relying only on his raw power. His Noble Arts, Hollow Purple, and Planetary Devastation are forbidden to use outside of a pocket dimension, due to the potential damage their use can cause. He has been noted to be a monstrously gifted prodigy, as well as a battle maniac, by numerous individuals. He prefers to keep his distance from others, so he often comes across as aloof and elusive, and is notably calm, even in battle. He generally acts indifferent, bordering on arrogance, to most situations he is faced with, and rarely views his opponent as being worth his time. He is very perceptive, fully aware of the limits of his abilities, and anything he states in comparison to an opponent is usually justified. He is greatly annoyed by having to repeat himself, as he believes it means his conversational partner is stupid. The difference in power between himself and the second strongest student at Hagun is so great that it's been compared to the gap between Heaven and Earth. He finds Touka's clumsiness cute, and greatly enjoys its "benefits". He started dating Touka in their 2nd Year.

Occupation: Blazer (A-Rank), Student

Affiliations: Hagun Academy

Girlfriend: Touka Toudou

Girlfriend: Touka Toudou

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