A Certain Magical Index OC Idea

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Name: Akira Ryūgamine



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Age: 15

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 150 Lbs

Abilities: Excellent Intellect & Athleticism (Aside from his abilities as an Esper, Akira is well-trained in both body and mind, having substantial athletic abilities and a keen intellect; He uses his intelligence to find weak points in his opponents, even overcoming disadvantages he has through thinking on his feet), Enhanced Senses (He has been noted to possess extraordinary kinetic vision, allowing him to clearly see the "flow of power" in his opponents, as well as an equally extraordinary sense of hearing; He is capable of blocking out the surrounding noise while fighting with the exception of his opponents), Enhanced Instincts (He has an incredibly well developed sense of Instinct allowing him to process the world in the most advanced and efficient manner possible to find the most efficient and practical solutions to any kind of problems that he faces, using both logical and illogical sense and strategies), Master Swordsman (Akira is a dangerous master swordsman wielding his sword with unrivaled precision and versatility, his technique is based on laijutsu, a style of swordsmanship which involves quick, precise draws from the sheathe, striking the opponent, and removing blood from the sword before resheathing, his laijutsu is made more powerful by incorporating his ability, developing a personalized style called the Dark Slayer; When his sword is still unsheathed, Akira also often uses the scabbard itself as a weapon, using it for blunt strikes, or to block an enemy's attack; Due to this style, Akira commonly wields his sword with one hand, holding the scabbard with the other, however, when necessary he sometimes puts the scabbard away and uses it with both hands; On lesser foes, the speed, precision, and discipline bestowed to him allows him to outpace and utterly cut them down as if akin to an art-form, with great concentration in only splits of a second and issuing a number of blows at his discretion; One of Akira's signature traits is to time his opponent's demise, and sheathe in sync with the damage done, resulting in a display of destruction that slays the opposition before they could even realize it), Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Akira is highly proficient at hand-to-hand combat, using various martial arts techniques, and is capable of easily defeating multiple opponents while completely unarmed), All Fiction (Akira's Esper Ability, which allows him to deny aspects of reality, or make anything into "nothing", for example, he can undo any form of damage, restoring targets to prime condition in the process, allowing him to fight without worrying about potential destruction or injury; All Fiction is both a passive and active Esper Ability, and he can freely reverse its effects)

Equipment: HF Blade (A type of sword that is reinforced by a powerful alternating current which causes it to resonate at extremely high vibrational frequencies, increasing the sword's cutting ability; While primarily used for cutting or stabbing, it can also be used non-lethally by using the blunt edge to attack; Akira's is a custom model that was made for him as compensation for a job, and is exceptionally durable and sharp, remaining undamaged and retaining its edge even when exposed to the harshest elements)

Equipment: HF Blade (A type of sword that is reinforced by a powerful alternating current which causes it to resonate at extremely high vibrational frequencies, increasing the sword's cutting ability; While primarily used for cutting or stabbing, ...

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Backstory: Akira is a student at A Certain Highschool, as well as a member of Touma's circle of friends and an infamous mercenary and bounty hunter, in addition to being a Gemstone and the lowest ranked Level 5.

Trivia: He always seems serene and apathetic towards others, even while actually deeply conflicted, and is notably calm, even in battle. He generally acts indifferent, bordering on arrogance, to most situations he is faced with, and rarely views his opponent as being worth his time. He is very perceptive, fully aware of the limits of his abilities, and anything he states in comparison to an opponent is usually justified. He is greatly annoyed by having to repeat himself, as he believes it means his conversational partner is stupid. He is considered handsome by many women and is incredibly popular with them, although he occasionally finds the attention annoying. He has clashed with Accelerator several times in the past, with a decisive victor never being determined. He visited Accelerator in the hospital and undid the brain damage he received from being shot in the head, and, when asked why he did so, stated that he was the only one that was allowed to defeat him. He refuses to take any jobs from the Kiihara's under any circumstances, and has killed many of them in the past for simply disturbing him. He isn't the lowest ranked Level 5 because he or his ability are weak, he simply possesses no potential whatsoever to evolve into a Level 6, which many consider a blessing, given how powerful and dangerous All Fiction already is. He dreams of one day completely wiping the Kiihara family off the face of the Earth, and considers doing so to be the ultimate form of community service, however, he refuses to use his Esper Ability to do so, deeming such a thing too easy and unsatisfying compared to joy of doing it himself.

Occupation: Student, Mercenary, Bounty Hunter

Affiliations: A Certain Highschool, Kamijou Faction

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