Supermansion OC Idea

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Name: Drake Evans



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Age: 24

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 170 Lbs

Hair Color: Gold

Eye Color: Gold

Abilities: Gravity Manipulation (Drake is able to freely control his personal gravity, enabling him to perform various feats, such as levitating in midair, falling sideways, clinging onto walls and ceilings, altering the density of his body, shooting off blasts of compressed gravity, and repelling incoming projectiles with a field of anti-gravity among others, additionally, this effect can also be applied to any person or object he makes physical contact with; A strange quirk of this ability is the unpredictable effects caused when it's activated whilst exposed to the force of buoyancy, resulting in his gravity acting erratically whenever it's used underwater, also, whilst incapable of outright healing wounds, it holds the potential to make things like pain "lighter", as "true gravity" exceeds even concepts), Enhanced Strength (Even without using his powers, Drake is strong enough to throw several people with little strain), Enhanced Durability (Attacks that would normally severely injure a normal human only cause moderate discomfort for Drake), Enhanced Healing (Drake heals at a fast rate without sustaining scars or permanent damage, even from serious injuries), Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Drake is a master of Hand-to-Hand combat and combined with his powers, is capable of easily defeating large numbers of enemies and going toe-to-toe with more powerful opponents, such as Subtopians or Gods), Excellent Intellect & Athleticism (Aside from his powers, Drake is well-trained in both body and mind, having substantial athletic abilities and a keen intellect; He uses his intelligence to find weak points in his opponents, even overcoming disadvantages he has through thinking on his feet; He knows a lot about some things and absolutely nothing about others; Despite lacking a normal education, he possesses vast scientific and technical knowledge), Expert Engineer and Mechanic (Designed and built his Car from scratch, and often adds technology he takes from Villains to augment its performance), Expert Driver (Drake has good motor skills, being able to race and chase in his car), Expert Analyst (Able to accurately tell what happened in a fight from the damage left behind), Criminal Contacts (Due to his time on the streets, he has acquired a number of useful contacts and experience with criminals)

Equipment: League ID Card, Striker (A Car custom made by Drake that is incredibly durable, fast, and contains numerous features such as an Auto-Pilot; Auto-Attack; Guns; Missile Launchers; Magno-Winch; Electrified Field; Off-Road Capabilities; Jet Mode; Submarine Mode; Spray Dust; Laser Blast Deflectors; Rocket Boosters; Ejector Seats; Invisibility Mode; Electric Motor; and a Parachute)

Equipment: League ID Card, Striker (A Car custom made by Drake that is incredibly durable, fast, and contains numerous features such as an Auto-Pilot; Auto-Attack; Guns; Missile Launchers; Magno-Winch; Electrified Field; Off-Road Capabilities; Jet...

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(Standard Mode)

(With Weapons Deployed)

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(With Weapons Deployed)

Backstory: Drake is a member of the League of Freedom, that was abandoned by his family as a child because of his powers and lived on the streets until he was 15, when he was involved in an attempted robbery which he stopped, catching the attention of Titanium Rex in the process and being invited to join the League of Freedom when he turned 18.

Trivia: He prefers savories over sweets and likes smoothies. He is extremely good with animals, being able to bond with them with little to no effort. He got his GED a little while after joining the League. He kept some Anti-Magno after the Subtopian invasion for emergencies, which he informed Rex and Lex about. He loves cuddling with Cooch because of how soft her fur is and knows all the best spots to pet her. He got an indestructible electric engine block for his car as a gift from Santa. He made Cooch a custom dune buggy as an anniversary gift. He and Cooch started dating a few months after she joined the League after she solicited him for sex while in heat. He's a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and calls Cooch, Ms. Kitty Fantastico, as a pet name. Rex originally didn't remember him, until he demonstrated his powers to jog his memory. His hobbies are reading, video games, doing maintenance on his car, and going on walks. When asked why he even has a car if he can fly, he replied that it was more convenient. He'd been a League member for 6 years by the time the Blue Menace tried to steal the Red, White, & Blue Diamond. He enjoys how flexible Cooch is in bed. He likes brushing Cooch's fur, and she's described it as having the same effect as a full body massage when it comes to turning her on. He appreciates the way that Cooch views the world. He was able to prevent Lex from killing Robobot by using his emergency Anti-Magno to weaken her. He has a habit of saying "Gravity's gonna crush you", as a catchphrase in reference to his powers. He is very perceptive, fully aware of the limits of his abilities, and anything he states in comparison to an opponent is usually justified.

Occupation: League Member

Affiliation: League of Freedom

Love Interest: Cooch

Love Interest: Cooch

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