Chapter 2

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Prince Anthurium: (whispering) Astera

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Prince Anthurium: (whispering) Astera... Her name dances on my lips like a melody. I feel an irresistible pull towards her as if our destinies have entwined now.

Adam: It appears that fate has united you, Your Highness. Shall I introduce you to Astera?

Prince Anthurium: Yes, Adam, please. I must know more about this extraordinary gardener and the bond we seem to share. Today, the Grand Flower Festival has become the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Adam: (approaching Astera with a warm smile)Good morning, madam! What a beautiful display of flowers you have here. Icouldn't resist stopping by.

Astera: (grinning) Thank you! I take great pride in my blossoms. Feel free to take a closer look.

Adam: (pretending to examine the flowers) These sunflowers catch my eye. They're such a vibrant and cheerful choice. Don't you think, Your Highness?

Prince Anthurium: (playing along) Indeed, Adam. Sunflowers exude a certain radiance that brightens any room.

Astera: (blushing, addressing the Prince) You think so too? Sunflowers are my personal favorite. They symbolize loyalty and adoration.

Adam: (smirking, nudging the Prince) It seems we have a mutual love for sunflowers, Your Highness. We've stumbled upon a kindred spirit in Astera.

Prince Anthurium: (genuinely interested) Is that so? Madam, please tell us more about yourself and your passion for flowers.

Prince Anthurium: (genuinely interested) Is that so? Madam, please tell us more about yourself and your passion for flowers

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Astera: (delighted) My name is Astera; I've been tending to these blooms for many years. Flowers have a way of capturing emotions and expressing beauty. They have always fascinated me, and I find solace in their enchanting presence.

Adam: (whispering to the Prince) I told you, Your Highness. Astera's passion for flowers is unparalleled. She truly is a gem.

Prince Anthurium: (smiling at Astera) Adam was right to introduce us. I must admit, Astera, I'm captivated by your knowledge and dedication to your craft. I would be honored to learn more from you.

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