Chapter 5

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Event 1:

A visit in Astera's Garden

[Prince Anthurium and Adam arrive at Astera's garden, where they find her digging the soil to plant new flower seeds.]

Adam: (approaching Astera) Astera, we come bearing news from the prince. His Highness wishes to visit your garden and purchase fresh sunflowers.

[Astera's face lights up at the mention of the prince's visit, but her sadness returns as she recalls the ruined garden.]

Astera: (sadly) Adam, I'm grateful for the prince's interest, but I must tell you that my garden has been destroyed. All the flowers were cut and scattered on the ground. I have nothing to sell.

[Prince Anthurium's expression changes to shock and concern as he processes Astera's words

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[Prince Anthurium's expression changes to shock and concern as he processes Astera's words.]

Prince Anthurium: (sympathetic) Astera, I had no idea. I'm deeply sorry for what happened to your garden. It pains me to think of someone intentionally causing such destruction.

[Astera nods, her eyes brimming with tears.]

Astera: It was a terrible sight. My flowers, and my hard work, were all gone in an instant. I just started digging to plant new seeds.

[Prince Anthurium's mind races, contemplating who could have done such a terrible thing.]

Prince Anthurium: (determined) Astera, I want to help you rebuild your garden. Let us plant new flowers together. Adam, please gather the necessary gardening equipment.

[Adam nods and quickly goes to fetch the gardening tools.]

Prince Anthurium: (in his mind) Who could have committed such an act? This was not just random destruction. It feels personal as if someone wanted to hurt Astera. I must find out who is responsible.

[As Adam returns with the gardening equipment, Prince Anthurium joins Astera in digging the soil, eager to spend time with her and offer his support.]

Prince Anthurium: (gently) Astera, let us start anew, for there is beauty in the rebirth of a garden. Together, we shall make it even more magnificent than before.

[As they prepare to start gardening, PrinceAnthurium's thoughts about a possible culprit lingers in his mind, but heremains focused on supporting Astera in her time of need.]

Scene 12:

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Scene 12:

Prince Anthurium: [Walking in the palace hallway, encounters Jenefer carrying a basket of sunflowers] Oh, Jenefer, what a pleasant surprise! Those sunflowers look lovely. Where did you get them from?

Jenefer: [Greeting the prince warmly] Thank you, Your Highness! I actually planted them a couple of months ago with my friend Nicole.

Prince Anthurium: [Pretending to believe her reason] Ah, I see. That's quite impressive. Well, thank you for the flowers. They remind me of Astera's Garden.

 They remind me of Astera's Garden

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Event 1:

Prince Anthurium: Adam, I need a favor. Can you investigate Jenefer's house and see if she has a flower garden? Also, try to speak with her friend Nicole. She could shed some light on the situation.

Adam: Of course, Your Highness. I'll discreetly look into it and gather any information I can find.

[Adam quietly sneaks into Jenefer's house and finds her flower garden, but it's only sprouted leaves with no blooms.]

Adam: [Observing the garden] Perhaps it appears that Jenefer's garden hasn't bloomed yet. These sunflowers are still in the early stages.

[Adam is about to leave Jenefer's house when Nicole catches him,]

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