Chapter 8

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Scene 15:

[Setting: Prince Anthurium's Chamber]

Prince Anthurium: [Sitting on a chair, deep in thought] Astera's garden... It pains me to think about what happened. It was all because of me. If only I hadn't revealed my feelings for her, Jenefer wouldn't have acted out of jealousy. I must make things right. I need to visit Astera and confess my love for her.

[Knock on the door]

Prince Anthurium: Come in.

[Jenefer enters the chamber, wearing a sweet smile]

Jenefer: Good day, Your Highness! How are you today?

Prince Anthurium: [Maintaining composure] Good day, Jenefer. I'm well, thank you. But we need to talk about something important.

 But we need to talk about something important

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Jenefer: Of course, Prince Anthurium. What is it?

Prince Anthurium: I know what you did to Astera's garden, Jenefer. It was a terrible thing to do, driven by jealousy. You must understand that no matter what you do, my feelings for Astera will not change. I love her, and I won't let anyone come between us.

Jenefer: [Taken aback, but trying to defend herself] Prince Anthurium, please listen to me. It wasn't out of jealousy. I had my reasons.

Prince Anthurium: [Interrupting, firm] I don't want to hear your excuses, Jenefer. What you did was unacceptable. I demand that you stay away from Astera. She deserves happiness, not sabotage.

Jenefer: [Becoming desperate] But... but I've been your childhood friend. You can't just discard me like this. What about our history together?

Prince Anthurium: [Standing up, determined] Our history doesn't justify your actions, Jenefer. I've made my decision, and it's final. You need to respect that.

[Prince Anthurium turns and walks out of the chamber, leaving Jenefer behind]

Jenefer: [Helpless and hurt, tries to follow the prince but is stopped by a guard]

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Jenefer: [Helpless and hurt, tries to follow the prince but is stopped by a guard]

Guard: I'm sorry, Miss, but the prince has made it clear. You cannot go after him.

[Jenefer, filled with anger and resentment, leaves the chamber and heads home, nursing her grudge towards the prince and harboring even more anger and hatred towards Astera.]

Jenefer: [Muttering to herself] This isn't over, Astera. I won't let you take everything away from me. Just wait.

Scene 16:

(Their moment of Happiness)

Prince Anthurium: (approaches Astera with a lovely smile) Good evening, Astera. It's a beautiful night, isn't it?

Astera: (smiling back) Good evening, Prince Anthurium. Yes, it truly is. The stars are shining so brightly tonight.

Prince Anthurium: (sitting beside Astera) I couldn't help but think of you when I saw those stars. They remind me of the sparkle in your eyes.

Astera: (blushing) Oh, Prince Anthurium, you flatter me. But truly, it's the magic of this garden that makes everything shine.

Prince Anthurium: (looking around) This garden is special in my heart. It's where we rebuilt what was broken and nurtured new life. Remember when we planted those flower seeds together?

Astera: (nodding) Of course, I remember. It was a symbol of hope and renewal. And look at them now, blooming beautifully, just like our love.

Prince Anthurium: (taking a deep breath) Astera, I want you to know that my feelings for you have grown stronger daily. I can't imagine my life without you by my side.

Astera: (tears of joy streaming down her face) Oh, Anthurium

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Astera: (tears of joy streaming down her face) Oh, Anthurium...

Prince Anthurium: (kneeling before Astera) Astera, will you do me the honor of being my partner in life? I vow to protect our bond from any obstacle that comes our way.

Astera: (overwhelmed with emotion) Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! I love you, Prince Anthurium.

Prince Anthurium: (standing up, embracing Astera) And I love you, my dearest Astera. Let us celebrate this moment and share our joy with my parents, the city palace's king, and queen. They will be thrilled to meet the woman who has captured my heart.

Astera: (wiping away her tears) I would be honored to meet them, Anthurium

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Astera: (wiping away her tears) I would be honored to meet them, Anthurium. Thank you for including me in your life and for this beautiful moment. I am truly blessed.

Prince Anthurium: (smiling brightly) The pleasure is all mine, Astera. Our journey together starts now, and I promise it will be filled with love, happiness, and endless adventures.

Astera: (taking his hand) I can't wait to embark on this journey with you, Anthurium. Let's face whatever comes our way, hand in hand, and create our own happily ever after.

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