Chapter 7

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(Continuation of Scene 12:)

[Adam and Nicole leave the quiet place and head towards Prince Anthurium.]

Prince Anthurium: Adam, welcome back. What did you find at Jenefer's house?

Adam: Your Highness, I discovered that Jenefer does have a flower garden, but it hasn't bloomed yet. The sunflowers are still in the early stages, with only leaves visible.

Prince Anthurium: I see. So, her garden hasn't produced any blooms yet. That's unfortunate. Thank you for checking, Adam.

Adam: Your Highness, Nicole caught me while I was leaving Jenefer's house. She seemed surprised to see me there.

Prince Anthurium: Nicole? What happened? Did you speak with her?

Adam: Yes, Your Highness. I quickly covered her mouth and took her to a quiet place to talk. I asked her about the events concerning Astera's Garden, and she confessed the truth.

Prince Anthurium: Tell me, Adam. What did Nicole reveal?

Adam: Your Highness, Nicole admitted that she and Jenefer were involved in the terrible damage to Astera's Garden. She revealed that it was Jenefer's plan all along. Jenefer was driven by jealousy toward your affection for Astera. She even stole the most beautiful sunflowers from Astera's Garden to give them to you.

 She even stole the most beautiful sunflowers from Astera's Garden to give them to you

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Prince Anthurium: (Taken aback) I can't believe it. Was Jenefer behind this all along? I trusted her. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Adam. The truth must be addressed, and the consequences must be faced.

Adam: I completely agree, Your Highness. It's essential to confront Jenefer about her actions and hold her accountable for the damage caused.

Prince Anthurium: Indeed, Adam. We will address this immediately. I appreciate your dedication and thorough investigation. We cannot allow such deceit and destruction to go unpunished. Let us gather the necessary evidence and take the appropriate steps to ensure justice is served.

Adam: Absolutely, Your Highness. I will assist you in any way I can to ensure that the truth prevails and that justice is served.

Scene 14:

Jenefer: (whispering to herself) Oh, that day when Prince Anthurium accepted my sunflowers. It felt like a dream. He smiled at me, and for a moment, I believed he would see past Astera's beauty and notice my affection. Maybe, just maybe, he'll forget about her.

[Nanny knocks on Jenefer's door]

Jenefer: (startled) Who could that be? Please come in.

Nanny: (enters the room and hands over a letter) My apologies for the interruption, Miss. This letter just arrived for you. It is a summon from the palace.

Jenefer: (takes the letter with excitement) Thank you, Nanny. You can leave now.

[Nanny exits the room]

Jenefer: (reading the letter with a glimmer ofhope in her eyes) A summon from Prince Anthurium himself? Could it be? Maybehe's been missing me. Oh, I can't help but feel happy. Perhaps he wants to spend time with me, just like the day he accepted my sunflowers.

 Perhaps he wants to spend time with me, just like the day he accepted my sunflowers

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[Imagines herself walking into the prince's chamber, filled with anticipation]

Jenefer: (dreamily) The Prince will be waiting for me, and we'll have a delightful conversation. He'll appreciate my presence, and maybe, just maybe, he'll realize that my feelings for him are genuine.

[Smiling to herself, Jenefer gets ready, wearing her finest dress, and heads towards the palace with a heart full of hope.

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