chapter three

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new dress ^^


Turning to look out the window, Hunter realizes how much they missed out as she looks at the beautiful city she now lives in.

"Next time you're driving, okay?" Rafaella says.

"Should I change the music? Maybe they like something else...Right?" William asks after noticing Noah's face. 

"Whatever you want, you choose." His wife responds.

"No, you like it cool." They start arguing over the temperature as Hunter responds to her girlfriend about how the trip has been so far.

"Keep your hands on the wheel." Will says just as his son pulls up beside the smoking a cigarette as he winks at Hunter and drives ahead.

'Son of a ugh.' Hunter thinks before stopping herself from cussing.

As they continue driving Hunter notices she was left on open by Olivia so she sighs and looks at the water outside the window.


Walking into the restaurant, she notices Nick flirting with two girls.

"Girls, your membership cards will arrive next week. In the meantime, use my last name." Will says as they walk to their table.

"Won't that be confusing?" Noah asks with a false innocent look.

"Why would it be?" Will asks.

"Good evening, Mr. Leister." A waiter says coming up to them.

"Hello, I am Mrs. Leister. Noah Leister." Noah says conveying a lovestruck look.

"Congratulations, sir. I did hear rumors." The man in front of them says.

"No, Antonio, no. I'm not that kind of guy." Will denies with an awkward chuckle.

"This is Mrs. Leister." He says pulling Rafaella towards him.

"I'm so sorry, how silly of me." The waiter apologizes.

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault." Will says as Nick and Hunter lock eyes and sigh.

"Come on." Nick says pulling Hunter with him.

"No, no, no." Hunter says as he drags her.

"Shhh." He whispers in her ear as they arrive at the table.

"Summer has never been my favorite season, but with this sea, the sunsets, you. This city amazes me." Rafaella says to her husband.

"Ranked as one of the most charming places in the world by National Geographic." Nick says as the waitress drags her hand up his arm as she passes making Hunter glare and have a weird feeling.

"All thanks to our efforts." Will finishes.

"Are there a lot of forest fires around here?" Noah asks.

"Yes, Noah, unfortunately, it's a blight on our city." William answers.

"And how is the damage taking care of? Because there is sure to be a ton of animal deaths and loss of habitat, along with humans." Hunter asks curious making Nick raise his eyebrows in surprise.

"It seems we found another animal lover in our family." William says glancing at his son before answering her question.

"But to answer your question as well Noah. There has already been two this summer." William says looking intently at Noah.

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