chapter five

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same outfit as last chapter


Moving her hips together with Anya she genuinely starts having fun.

"I was right about your dancing." Anya whispers in her ear making Hunter turn around and push against her once more.

"Oh yeah?" Hunter says with a smirk.

"I think someone is a little tipsy." Anya says with a laugh.

"Maybe just a little bit." Hunter replies with a giggle until the smile falls off her face seeing Nick start licking the alcohol off of some girl.

"Is he not worried about catching stds?" Hunter asks nodding her head to them making Anya turn so she can get behind Hunter and grind against her.

"Apparently not." Anya replies staring in disgust. Still looking at them, Nick notices and flips Hunter off as he continues kissing the girl.

"Whatever, I need another drink." Hunter says as she drags herself and Anya off the dancefloor.

"Another margarita?" The bartender by the name of Axel asks.

"Yes, please." Hunter says taking the drink before noticing someone familiar talking to Ronnie and his second hand.

"Holy shit. That's Noah." Hunter says blinking rapidly to see if her eyes are deceiving her.

"Your sister?" Anya asks confused.

"Yep, I will be right back." Hunter says heading towards Noah.

"Hey, I have been looking all over for you. Wanna get out of here?" Hunter says communicating with her eyes towards her sister.

"Yeah, I do." Noah says trying to hand the drink back to the guy.

"You keep it princess, and here is one for your friend." They guy says handing her one too.

"Thanks." Hunter replies with a fake smile pretending to take a sip.

"Ready?" Hunter asks.

"Hell yeah." Noah says before realizing she took a sip and her sister pretending to.

"Fuck." Noah says leaning into her baby sister.

"You drank some didn't you." Hunter asks holding onto her. Nick notices them and pushes the girl off him so he can storm over. Anya notices and goes towards them too.

"You took drinks from him?" He says grabbing them both.

"Yeah they did but she didn't really drink it did you?" The mystery boy says before grabbing her mouth and forcing some down her throat making her cough.

"What the fuck, you piece of shit." Anya says kicking him in the balls along with punching him before grabbing Noah as Nick drops her as soon as he sees Hunter stumble. Turning around to beat the dude's ass he sees Lion and Atlas shake their heads as he decides to focus on his girl instead.

"Help me get her in my car." Nick says as he points to the red sports car.

"Of course, what about this one?" Anya asks gesturing to the unconscious girl in her arms.

"You drive her to my place too." He says as he buckles a fighting Hunter in his passenger seat.

"Got it, but if anything happens to her you're dead." Anya says with a terrifying glare making him look away.

"So you are the one that rescued her from the side of the road." He says with a smile.

"Of course I did dumbass, by the way here." She says punching him across the face.

"What the fuck?" He says.

"That is for leaving her there in the first place, tootles." Anya says smirking as she walks off.

'Crazy blonde bitch that I call a friend' he thinks getting into the car and taking off.

"I told you I am fine, it is just hot okay." Hunter says before falling flat on the dashboard.

"Doesn't look like it freckles." He says laughing as he sits her back upright.

"Oh no way, let me drive." She says as he start playfully swerving.

"My baby, hell no." He says pushing her hand away from the wheel.

"I've always wanted to drive one of these, but it isn't as cool as my skyline." She says before she starts rambling about how cool her car is.

"You have a skyline?" He asks shocked.

"Yes, it is a blue 1999 GT-R R34. It used to be white." She says with a ghosted smile.

"Where is it now?" He asks confused on why she wouldn't have the thing she clearly loves.

"It is being shipped here." She explains in a duh tone.

"And about driving this, don't forget you were drugged." He says with a pointed look.

"Says the one that drank." She says in the same tone.

"I had one shot." He says rolling his eyes.

"Off someone's boobs. Imagine the taste of tequila mixed with sweat, how tasty." Hunter jokes making him crack a smile.

"What do you think Freud would say about pouring liquids and sucking them all up like that?" She asks but he stays silent as they pull into the driveway.

"Freud isn't some trap singer, just so you know." She points out as he walks her up the steps.

"He'd say that it's like shedding tears, or something worse, on your mother's breast so suck on that." She says as he quietly laughs.

"Leave my mom out of this dumbass." He says before catching her when she trips.

"Shh." He says as he picks her up like it's nothing.

"What's the matter?" She asks at the same time before whooping when she goes in the air.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you that there is a thing called glass you put liquids in?" She asks.

"You are still on this you pretty dumb thing?" He whispers in her ear.

"Did you know glass is a liquid? A liquid that holds another liquid. Neat, right?" She asks as they walk into her room.

"Really?" He asks in surprise making her giggle. Smiling at her giggle hearing Anya bring Noah inside, he lays her down in her bed.

"If you were capable of emotions and brains. You would appreciate me telling you that fact." She says shaking her head trying to get rid of the fatigue that hits her.

"Glass flows so slowly, that it appears solid. That's why it is so fragile. Hard but fragile." Hunter continues as he puts the blanket over her and laughs quietly once again. Trying to turn the light off he gets startled when she jumps up.

"No, not the light. Please." She whispers looking up at him in fear making him wonder why she was scared, but not pushing it when she is not in control of her thoughts.

"Sorry." He apologizes as she falls asleep quickly. Looking at her is admiration he pushes her hair behind her ear and touches the tattoo that lays there.

'Fuck, what is wrong with me' he thinks standing up to leave the room.

"You owe me, that girl is a nightmare when she is awake." Anya says shaking her head as she walks up to him making him chuckle and he punch his arm as they part ways.


(A/N: look at me actually writing quickly, who would have known <3)

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