chapter eight

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same outfit as last chapter


Looking to her right, as someone pulls up beside her she groans noticing who it is.

"Hey, it's clear you know a lot about cars." Ronnie says smirking at her figure.

"No shit. I've raced some." Hunter replies not even sparing him a glance.

"I thought it would be your first time." Ronnie says.

"I'm not racing dipshit." She replies.

"No? Then why are you at the starting line." Ronnie says signalling someone making the siren go off. About 35 yards away was Nick scrambling to get his clothes on so he can race.

"Listen douchebag I know the rules to this shit, Nick has to race." Hunter says beginning to get out.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you princess, he will have to forfeit if no one races." Ronnie says making her sigh. Seeing the crowd start forming she looks around before realizing he is right.

"Fine." Hunter grunts out with a glare set on him.

"Since you are a woman, I will give you a five-second head start." Ronnie says with a menacing grin.

"What do you say?" He asks when she rolls her eyes.

"Five whole seconds?" She mocks as the flag girl walks in front of them only with a gun this time as Nick runs up to his friends.

"Hey Nick." Lion says as he walks up.

"Wait, why the fuck are you out here?" Atlas says shocked.

"Didn't you get my text?" Nick asks Anya who shakes her head confused.

"Who is in there?" Noah asks.

"Your baby sister." Nick says glaring at his car making Noah sigh in relief.

"You don't have to worry then." She says smirking.

"And why is that?" Em asks her.

"You're about to find out." Noah says nodding her head to the race about to start.

"Ready?" The blonde asks the racers. As the gun goes off everyone is watching confused as no one moves but what they don't know is Hunter is re-applying her lip gloss as Ronnie watches in shock.

"What are you doing? I gave you the head start." Ronnie complains.

"And I took it, so see ya asshat." Hunter says with a wink before she takes off with Ronnie following shortly after. Switching gears quickly as she moves so she is in front of him she quickly flips him off as she drives not even worrying as he is plenty away from her.

Keeping her foot steady she lets up on her pedal as she feels it try to fight her as she goes around the first curve, purposely letting him get in front of her. As she gets back up next to him she blows him a kiss as she once again is in the lead going around more curves. Moving to another gear once again she brakes to mess with him before laughing her ass off as he almost wrecks. 

Seeing him try to push her off the course she moves further away from him with a glare stuck on her face wishing she could just punch that shit eating grin off of his. 

"What the fuck Ronnie? If you are pissed you are eating my dust, go cry to mommy; not attempt murder." Hunter says rolling her eyes as she resumes in front of him as they near the sixth turn.

"I got this, just like I have done before." Hunter whispers to herself as she doesn't brake like the rest of the drivers before, just drives faster and scares everyone watching but making Nick watch in awe. 

"Fuck yeah, kiss my ass psycho!" Hunter yells out as she passes the finish line with him 100 feet behind her. Getting out of the car with a smile on her face she watches as people crowd around her asking her questions making her giggle.

"Are you crazy?" Nick ask storming over to her.

"Back off dear stepbrother, she just won the race that you couldn't because you were fucking some chick." Noah says hugging her sister with a proud smile not noticing Hunter's face change.

"What she said." Anya says coming around to pick Hunter up and spin her around.

"You fucking cheaters." Ronnie says walking up to them with a pissed off look.

"What happened Leister? The finale was between you and me. You totally disregarded the rules. So we win." He continues as he gets in Nick's face.

"That's ridiculous, I kicked your ass." Hunter says walking closer only for Nick to hold her back.

"She's not in the gang, we can race again." Nick says still holding onto her.

"She is, she is wearing your bandana." Ronnie says making him look and realize it was his, cursing Anya in his head after seeing his initials.

"You're the one who cheated, ramming into her. And she still beat you." Noah says defending her sister.

"A woman." Hunter points out getting out of Nick's grip to get close to Ronnie only to be pulled back once again.

"Shut your fucking mouth, Gabi." Nick says losing his patience.

"Rules are rules, so pay up." Ronnie says with a smirk.

"I'll transfer the 15,000." Nick says pulling out his phone.

"What? That's crazy." Hunter says still in his arms.

"You just couldn't help yourself." Nick says pushing her into Em's arms.

"And the other thing? I know it's hard to part ways with that beauty, but you don't have a choice." Ronnie says as his smirk never leaves his face. Grabbing his keys out of his car and throwing them to Ronnie, Hunter attaches herself to him once again.

"You can't give that to him." Hunter says tearing up at the problem she caused.

"Don't worry, I'll take you for a ride sometime." Ronnie says winking at her making her give a face of disgust.

"When you drive in it, remember how bad you lost tonight, yeah?" Hunter says making Nick pull her away before they are stopped.

"Nick, do me a favor next time don't let that bitch out of the house." Ronnie says making Nick starts punching the shit out of him as a fight breaks out. As Noah starts panicking from the violence, Hunter grabs her and heads to an area where no one is after her hand gets stepped on.

"You okay?" Hunter asks trying to stay calm.

"No, it reminds me of-" Noah starts to say before breaking down in her younger sister's arms.

"Shh, it's okay. He is gone." Hunter says holding her tight before hearing two cars pull up.

"Get in!" Noah hears towards her as she gets in the car with Lion & Jenna.

"Come on!" Nick says to Hunter in the car with Anya, Atlas, & Em.

"What the fuck happened back there?" Hunter asks in shock.

"So much shit." Anya replies as Hunter turns only to see the same tattoo she has laying on Nick's arm. Looking up she makes eye contact with him making him turn away. Before she can look away, he turns back around and wraps her hand with his other bandana.


(A/N: trying to finish this book as fast as I can because I will be super busy starting saturday <3)

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