chapter seven

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"I can't believe we are going to a race." Hunter says shaking with happiness.

"I take it you have been to some before." Anya notices.

"Not just watched, raced even. Won me some pretty titles back home." Hunter says smiling at the reminder.

"Maybe you should talk to Nick about racing, trust me it will be a long conversation." Ev says from the driver's seat.

"He will be there?" Hunter asks confused.

"Honey, he's the one we are going to watch along with my man." Ev replies with a laugh.

"You didn't mention that part." Hunter says glaring at Anya.

"Oops." Anya says with a smirk as they pull up.

"Wanna make a grand entrance or a casual one?" Hunter asks before all three of them die laughing.

"Very funny." Anya says as they walk towards the group of people. As everyone stops and stares at the beautiful women, Hunter catches the eye of the one person she wanted to. 

Glancing at her, he begins to rev his engine in preparation for the race that is about to begin. As he begins to lose focus looking at the sinfully gorgeous body that she has she calls his name.

"You better not lose this race or I will never let you forget it." She says with a smirk making him wink and get back in the right headspace.

"I saw him begin to lose focus, how did you do that?" Atlas says walking up to the women.

"Magic." Hunter replies before dismissing herself to go get a beer.

"And what is a pretty thing like yourself doing all alone?" She hears Ronnie ask from beside her.

"Getting a beer, want one?" She offers and just as he is about to grab it she drops the glass.

"What the hell?" He asks

"You're lucky that is all you are getting from letting me get drugged." She says with a wink, walking off.

"Why was he talking to you?" Ev asks worried.

"No idea, but I handled it." Hunter answers.

"That or you put yourself on his radar even more." Atlas says glancing at her.

"How is he doing?" She asks as she sees them do another lap. 

"So far he's letting himself go." Atlas says knowing it was because she left.

"He is going to be in for it if he loses." Hunter says laughing at what she would do.

"Holy shit." Anya says.

"Is he?" Ev asks.

"He is back in the lead." Atlas says as they all cheer when he makes it past the line but Hunter stops when he starts making out with the girl from before.

"What is she, his girlfriend or sex toy?" Hunter asks glaring at them making Anya look at her shocked.

"My baby is growing up." Anya says like a proud mom.

"And to answer your question it is the second choice." Ev says before heading over to congratulate him as Hunter gets a notification.

"What?" Hunter says looking at the phone in shock.

"Is that?" Anya says looking down too.

"My now ex girlfriend and Noah's boyfriend." Hunter says in disgust.

"What is this bullshit?" Noah says storming up to them with the same photos.

"Pieces of shit making out." Anya says.

"Let's have some fun, yeah?" Hunter says as her sister and her new friend Jenna storm off.

"Now that's my girl." Anya says leading her to a tailgate that they can dance and drink on.

After an hour or so of dancing with her new best friends she finally gets the courage to grab a boy and start making out with him. That leads them to where they are now, making out on Nick's car.

"Don't even think about it." Hunter whispers when he tries to grab her ass, going in for more they get interrupted when Nick pushes him down.

"Get out of here." He says making the boy scram.

"What the hell asshole?" She asks shocked.

"Did you just cuss, more specifically at me?" He asks looking down at her with a smirk.

"Okay fine, I cuss when I am pissed off." Hunter explains.

"And who made you so mad then?" He asks worried.

"Uhh." She stumbles over her words.

"Spit it out already." Nick says sharply in a dominate tone.

"My girlfriend cheated on me." She whispers submissively making him look at her in surprise.

"She cheated on you?" He asks softly.

"Yeah, she did." Hunter says feeling pathetic.

"How about if I could find a way to get back at her." He says smirking once again.

"What do you mean?" She asks confused.

"You can get a photo of you kissing someone and send it to him." He says.

"With who?" She asks.

"Me." Nick responds.

"You?" Hunter says blinking rapidly.

"Yes me, now do you want to or no?" He asks moving closer to her as she nods.

"I need words love." He says pushing her hair out of her face. As the tension in the air thickens and they gravitate towards each other. Just as the longing becomes unbearable she answers.

"Yes." As soon as she says these words he grabs her gently by the throat and smashes his lips on hers. Making a noise of surprise Hunter starts kissing back just as passionately. Moving her thighs apart without their lips breaking apart he starts to draw circles on her thigh with one hand as the other slides up and down.

"Woah." She says as they pull apart barely with tension now even thicker.

"Tongue?" He asks and before she can finish nodding they are back at it again but this time she runs her hand through his hair gently pulling it, making him groan and tighten his hold on her neck just as she hears a camera click and this time they pull apart for good.

"Come on." He says walking around to the passenger side of the door to open it so she can get in.

"Wait her, I'll go get Anya to come meet with you." He says as he shuts the door and starts walking away.

"Fine." Hunter replies slightly groaning as she quickly texts Olivia the photo and the breakup speech.

'Fuck' Hunter thinks as she remembers the kiss.


(A/N: i have never written a kissing scene but i tried. hope you enjoyed, next chapter will be out soon <3)

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