Chapter 6

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•CC's pov•

I woke up with Norman on my chest. He was still asleep, as usual. I looked next to me and on the side table was breakfast, and a note next to it. I picked the note up and read it. It said "Hello to which ever twin is reading this. We brought you breakfast, we didnt want to wake you up. Enjoy! Love you both!
-Your siblings and father." I smiled and looked at the food and frowned. I didnt want to eat... again. I felt movement on my chest. Norman picked his head up. "Good morning sleepy head." I said. He rubbed his eyes. "Good morning CC." He said. "Do you want breakfast? The rest of the family brought is some." I said. He nodded his head. I handed him his food and he started eating. I stared off into space, not paying attention to what was happening around me. I started getting- cold? I couldn't describe it if i wanted to, even being the person experiencing it.

•Flashback, no ones pov•

"Dont come in until i tell you too!" Clara yelled. CC cried. He was thrown outside in the middle of winter. It was very cold outside, and he didnt have on long sleeves. William wasnt home either. His sibling werent able to help, even if they wanted to. "Mama im sorry! Its really cold! Let me back inside!" The little boy yelled. But Clara was already away from the door. CC sat in the driveway. He was shaking, freezing, it was cold outside. He eventually went so cold, he passed out.

•End of flashback, Norman's pov•

I finished eating and looked at CC. He looked, dead? I mean, he already is, but i mean that he wasnt moving, he looked like he was holding his breath, he was shivering. "CC?" I said, very clearly confused. "You okay?" I said again, conserned. I was starting to get a tad bit scared. "CC, say something." I said again. I shook him a bit. It wasnt working. I made him lie down and i curled up into his chest.

•CC's pov, time skip 5 minutes later•

I spaced back in reality, still, really cold. I felt little drops of water, drip on my shirt. I looked down to see Norman, he was crying, but silently. "Norman?" I said. He looked up at me and smiled. "You're awake!" He said, very excited too, but him saying that made me confused. "Huh? What do you mean?" I asked. "You spaced out for a while. I couldnt get you back, so i just cuddled on your chest." He said. Okay, so when i spaced out ive been like that for a while. "Im sorry for worrying you, it wasnt in my intention." I said. He hugged me. "Its okay." He said. I hugged him back. "If you say so." I said.

•Michaels pov•

Neither of the boys have came out of their room. I wasnt worried. If something happened the other would go get someone. "Mike? What are you doing?" I heard someone say. I turned behind me. "Ah, i forgot you would be coming over today." I said. She laughed. "That's alright, whatcha thinkin about?" She then said. "Nothing." I said. "Vanny? You were coming today?" I heard three little girls say, those being my little sisters. "Yeah, i guess mike forgot to tell you." She said. I nodded in sync with tge triplets. "Okay, mike, you wanna go hang out in your room?" Vanny then said. I nodded. And we walked to my room.
We walked into my room and she sat in a chair at my desk. "So, what have you been up too?" She asked. "Trying to figure out shit that's happening here." I responded. She lifted an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly. "What do you mean?" She asked. I sat on the bed. "Normans reasently did self harm. I found out CC did too at some point, tried to lie his way outta it." I said. Her eyes went wide. "Are they okay?" She asked. She always had a soft spot for my family, especially my siblings. "Yes, they both are okay." I responded. She relaxed a bit. I got up and sat next to her. She looked at me and gave me a quick kiss, before cuddling me. I layed down, having her lay on my chest, as she just sobbed into my chest. I had no idea why she was so upset. But all i could do was just comfort her.
It was a few minutes of Vannys non stop crying. She eventually stopped crying and looked up at me. "Will you tell me whats wrong?" I asked. She layed her head down on my chest. "Ill pass." She said. She knew i wasnt gonna force her to talk. "Okay, thats fine, but im here for you to vent to, you know that, dont you?" I said. She nodded. I lightly rubbed her head. "Are you okay now?" I asked, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Mhm." Is all that came out her mouth. "Do you wanna go talk to the twin?" I asked, she perked up a bit. "Yeah!" She said. I chuckled. "Come on." I said. We both got up and went to the twins room.
I knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard two voices say. I opened the door to see CC and Norman playing uno. Normans eyes were red, he was surrounded by fluffy stuff, such as blankets, plushies, and pillows. He was wrapped in blankets, big plushies against CC's bed, pillows infront of the plushies, him being against the plushies and pillows. He had tall socks on and fluffy slippers on, with a fluffy hoodie on, and pants, the hoodie being really oversized. "Hey boys, yall okay?" Vanny started. CC smiled. "We're okay, Norman was just having a big sad so i stole one of Mikeys old hoodies and ive had some of these when i was alive." He said. "When did you steal my hoodie?" I asked. "When you and Vanny were in the hallway, when she first got here." He answered. I nodded. "Heyo." Norman said. "Hey bud." Vanny said. "Do yall wanna join next round?" Norman asked. I looked at Vanny as she looked at me. "Sure." We both said, as we sat down around the cards and they finished up their game, before dealing us in.

•Author pov•

1077 words! Sorry i havent posted. Ive been busy, its summer where i am and we've been quite busy. Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed, i love you all so much! Have an awesome day/night! Byeeeeee!!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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