Chapter 15

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•CC's pov•

I was hanging from the ceiling on mine and Normans room. I was pacing back and fourth. I tripped over, falling towards the corner of the dresser, hitting my head. "Ouch!" I yelled out. "CC you okay?" I heard someone say, before my vision going dark.

•Williams pov•

I ran over to CC, picking him up. His head was bleeding. I set him on his bed, walking out the room to get bandages.
I came back to the room when i had bandages. I looked at him. He were still unconscious. I bandages his head up. I layed next to him. I held his hand and cuddled him.

•Time skip•

I felt movement. I looked over to see CC. He sat up. "Lay back down." I said. "Who's there!" He yelled. Guess i scared him. "Its dad buddy, you gonna lay down though?" I asked. He shook his head. "I wanna go play with Cassidy and Gregory." He said. "Alright, child mode." I said. He shook his head as i got up. "I planned to hang out with Cassidy today." He said. "And you are injured." I said. He sighed. "Ill be fine." He then said. "Okay." I said. I wrote my phone number on a sticky note. "Tell Cassidy if something happens to call this number." I said. He nodded, taking the sticky note and flying out. I sighed. I love my kids, but they can be a piece of work. Especially the boys, Elizabeth and Issa. The only non problematic child is Eliza. Shes one of the most helpful and calm ones. All the others are just sad. I left the room and went back to my room.

•cassidys pov•

"Hello cassy." CC said as he entered. Something was wrong. "Whats wrong." I said. He looked down. "A headache. Nothing much-" I hugged him and sat down with him. "You sure your okay..?" I asked. He nods. I sighed and left it be. "My dad wants you to call this number if anything happens." He handed me a sticky note with a phone number on it. I nodded. "Okay" I put it in my pocket. I never forgave Afton for what he did. But CC isnt like him. I looked at him, it was kind of obvious i was worried about him. He went to the small table i had in my room and grabbed a rock. It was a smooth gray rock. He sat down again and messed with it. "CC, you okay?" He ignored me. I realized what was going on and i sighed. "Evan? Chris? Norman? Crybaby? Hello?" He looked up at me. "Yeah? Whats up-"
He stopped his sentence. "Oh.." He realized that those arent his names. "CC, did you forget what your name was again?" I asked him. He nodded. "Its just, i hear people call me those names all the time. Especially Chris. Crybaby is from my past, and Evan is my deadname. They've all just rotted my brain. I dont want to change my name to those. I wont respond either way." He told me. I nodded. I understood this. Ive had the hardest time in the past with my name. "Okay, should we switch upon your name?" I asked him. "Only when i don't respond to CC." He responded. I nodded.

•Author pov•


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