Chapter 7

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•Michaels pov•

"Uno out!" CC said. We've been playing for a bit, and so far, only CC and i won. Ive won once and CC has one the other 5 times. Vanny looked at her watch. "Its almost midnight, ive gotta go." She said. I gave her a look. "To go back to the pizzaplex to kill gregory?" I said. She looked at me, shocked and confused. "Dont think i dont know." I said. "H-How do you know?" She asked. I smiled at her, but it wasnt a friendly smile. "Oh, well ive met him on several occasions. He's talked about you. You almost did wind up killing him multiple times." I said. She clutched her fists. "Where is he. I need to get him." She said. She was obviously pissed with me. But i didnt care, i wanted to keep the kid safe. "Vanny. Stop." I said. "Both of you stop. Vanny, stop obeying Glitchbitch." CC said. She looked at him. "If i dont get this kid ill be killed, you want me dead?!" She yelled. I was angry now. "CC didnt know, stop yelling." I said. "Oh! So you want me dead!" She yelled. I facepalmed myself. "Not what i said." I said to her. "Stop trying to kill the kid. If you do wind up almost dying, im still here, just yell, simple." I said. She clutched her hands harder. Her hands were bleeding because of her sharp nails stabbing her hands. "Its not that easy Michael!" She yelled. I knew she was seriously pissed now. "It is though!" I yelled back.

•CC's pov•

I teleported Norman and I out of the room and into the triplets room instead.
I teleported in and saw Eliza and Issa both cuddled up with Elizabeth, both crying and Elizabeth trying to hold her tears back. I took both of the girls and had them lay down on my shoulders. Norman had Elizabeth lay on his shoulder. The girls kept crying, Elizabeth was still trying to hold her tears back. "Shhhhh, its okay." I said. Dad walked in the room. "I heard yelling and crying, whats going on?" He asked. Norman and i looked at him. "Mikey and Vanny are arguing and it scared the girls." I answered. He shut the door and sat next to us. "Come here." He said, we all cuddled next to him. He started singing the same song he would sing when Clara went out to drink. Soon enough, the girls were asleep, along with Norman, i was the only one awake. "Bud, you know you can go to sleep." Dad said. I nodded. "Go to sleep bud." He said. I leaned my head on his shoulder and eventually fell asleep.

•Williams pov•

All the kids were asleep now. I teleported all of then on the bottom bunk bed. And went to where all the yelling was coming from.
I opened the door. "YOU SIMPLY COULD JUST STOP!" Michael yelled. "SO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?!?!" Vanny yelled back. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" I yelled. They both looked at me. "Michael, its either Vanny kills the kid, or she dies. Its not her fault." I said. Michael took a deep breath. "Vanny, i think we could use some time apart for a while, im not saying breaking up, but im saying just to leave each other alone for a while." Michael said. She choked on a sob. "Y-Yeah." She said. "I-Ill be going now. T-Thank you mr A-Afton." She said. "Of course dear, if you need anything ill be here okay?" I said. She nodded, and teleported away. "Ill be in the kitchen if you need somthing." I said to Michael as he nodded.

•Michaels pov•

Dad walked out of the room. I walked back to my room and shut the door on my way out.
I went into my room and shut the door. I sat on the floor infront of the door before starting to sob. What have i just done? I thought to myself. Covering my mouth, trying not to make it to obvious im crying.

•Time skip, CC's pov•

I woke up next to my siblings. The house was quiet. I got up and checked mine and Normans room.
I peeked mt head in and no one was there. Ill just go to mikeys room to see if hes there. I thought as i started my way to his room.
I tried opening the door, but something was blocking it. "Mikey? You in there?" I asked. "Go away!" He yelled. "Let me in." I said. He opened the door. His eyes were red and puffy, he obviously had been crying. I helo myself into his room and sat down. "Shut the door and sit down." I said. He did what i said and sat on the floor next to me. "Okay, what's wrong first?" I asked. He looked upset. "I started a fight with Vanny, making her cry, then told her that we needed some time apart, im thinking she thought i broke up with her." He said. I nodded. "Okay, ill do what i can do, for now just, leave it alone and rest, i promise to have everything back to normal eventually." I said. He nodded and layed on the bed before i teleported out.

I teleported into Vannys house. "Vanny! Are you here?" I yelled. I stayed at the entrance, but not to long later a blond girl comes out of the hallway. "Are you looking for Vanny?" She asked. I nodded. "Yes but who are you?" I asked. "Im Vanessa, Vannys sister." She said. I nodded at that. "Vanny should be in her room, shes still upset with her boyfriend." Vanessa said. I nodded. "Im michaels brother CC." I said. She smiled. "Nice to meet you, ill show you to her room." She said. I nodded and followed her.
We walked into the room. But before i could said anything, i saw Vanny hanging from a rope from the ceiling.

•Author pov•

1010 words! I know, short chapter but i wanted to do this, sorry for the lack of posts, again, but yeah. I love you all so very much! Have an awesome day/night! Byeeeeee!!!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

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