Chapter 9

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•Gregorys pov•

I woke up with the first face i see being CC. Im glad i had friends now, sure the blood on him made me a tad bit uncomfortable, but that was okay! He could control that. I got up and looked around the room. I saw a red bow on the desk. I walked up to it. It had a tiny bit of orange hair in the clipping. Not sure what this was about. I put it back down and looked in the closet. There was a hat, mask, a dead rose, and a pack of dark blue contacts. Why do they have this stuff? I thought to myself. "What are you doing?" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw CC staring at me. "O-Oh, i was just looking around and looked in the closet." I said. He nodded. "Whats this stuff for?" I asked. He looked at me again and teleported infront of me. "Well, they're my familys things, dads hat, Elizabeths bow, Elizas rose, and Issas contacts." He said. I was confused. "Okay first, why would your sister need contacts? Two wheres the bow?" I asked. He looked shocked at my second question. "What do you mean wheres the bow?" He asked. "I didnt see a bow in the closet." I responded. He looked back on the desk. "Its right there." He said as he calmed down. "Oh! Sorry, i didnt know that." I responded. He smiled. "Its okay!" He said. I smiled. This, was my best friend.

•Michaels pov•

I walked to the twins room. I was about to open the door but heard an extra voice that sounded like Gregory. I walked into the room. "Hi Mikey!" CC said as i entered the room. "Hi CC- oh, whose your friend?" I asked, even though i already know his name. "Im gregory. Gregory Fazbear, and before you ask freddys a father figure to me." He said bowing. I bowed back. "Michael Afton, i have multiple name you can call me, if you'd like you can call me 'Mikey' as my siblings do, along with their friends." I said. He nodded. "You remind me of freddy, both use a polite tone." He said getting up. I got up aswell. "Freddy and I are friends, i know him quite well. I can actually see why he's a father figure to you, a very father like attitude." I said. He looked at me. "I didnt know you knew Freddy." He said. I chuckled and pat his head. "Well, now you know." I said. His eyes sparkled as i did that. He held my hand on his head. He's an adorable kid, i see why Freddy likes him so much. "I see why Freddy likes you so much, you're adorable." I said. He smiled, then frowned quickly. "You okay bud?" I asked. He let go of my hand. "Gregory?" I asked. He was quiet.

•Freddys pov•

I was chilling out with Monty. Him bragging about how he beat Roxy at golf. "FREDDY THERES SOMETHING WRONG WITH GREGORY." I heard Michael telepathicly say. My eyes widened. "Monty. I have to go. We can continue later." I said. He nodded but was obviously confused. "MIKE NOW." I yelled in telepathy. Before i was soon teleported out into CC's room.
I looked at the boy. His eyes were widened, nails practically stabbing his head as he was grabbing it, tears streaming down his face, his legs about to collapse. I walked up to him and picked him up. "Superstar? Are you okay?" I asked. He looked at me, i took his hands away from him head. There were blood on his fingers. "Mike, go get tissues." I said before he teleported out. I was sat on the ground, gregory in my arms. Michael came back with tissues, and i cleaned gregorys hands off. He was okay now, CC was just watching, worried. "Im sorry guys... i should not have acted out like that..." He said, looking to the side. "Hey its okay... its not your fault." I said. "What happened?" Vanessa asked, holding Norman. "Gregory had another panic attack, we dont know the reason though." Michael explained. "What happened before i got here?" I asked. "I was rubbing his head and called him adorable?" Michael answered. I hugged Gregory again. "I know the reason now. But i am not sharing." I said. Gregory got comfortable and fell asleep. "Okay, is there anything we can do to help?" Norman asked. I shook my head. "I dont think so, the stuff that happened was tremendous." I said. I then realized. "I left the kids." I said. Michael realized. "How about i take gregory and you go get his sisters." Michael said. I nodded and handed him to Michael before getting up and getting teleported to the pizzaplex.

•Michaels pov•

I held gregory. I placed my hand on his head. What did they do to this poor child? I thought to myself. "So will we do now?" CC asked. I shrugged. "How about we all go back to sleep, yeah?" I said. They all nodded and cuddled up to me, beings i cannot move. I kept hold of Gregory, and CC. Vanessa kept hold of Norman and layed her head on my shoulder. I held CC in my left arm, gregory in my right. Vanessa held norman in both hands and had her head on my right shoulder, and my head on hers.

•Freddys pov•

I teleported back. I had left Cassie, Katrina, and Lynn with Roxanne. I hoped she would actually take care of them. I saw everyone in a pile on the floor. I sat on Michael left side and layed my head on his left shoulder. I grabbed my portable charger and started charging myself, before falling asleep.

•Author pov•

973 words! Sorry for the wait and short chapter. Currently working on a new discord thing, and working on videos, and planning, and hanging out with family, and more. No. Before you ask. Lynn, Cassie, and Katrina are not cannon to fnaf. Nothing here is. I love you all so much! Have an awesome day/night! Byeeeeeee!!

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