A/N: Not An Update

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Here we are, years later.

I'm unsure how many people actually like....were still waiting on an update from this? Definitely not that many, but I felt bad leaving it at an A/N of me screaming about the BBC Sherlock show 😭

This is an official notice that, unfortunately, I will no longer be updating this fic. Gravity Falls holds a special place in my heart forever, but Bill Cipher/Dipper is just not something that I ship anymore and it would feel insincere if I continued to write about them (also I have no idea where I was going with this? I think there was going to be a pirate-merfolk standoff at some point. maybe).

I'll be leaving this story up for anyone who might want to come back to reread what's here or whatever!

Thank you so much for giving this fic the amount of attention it has. It meant a lot to my younger self.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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